Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 - 1957), Monday 17 December 1934, page 4


The Garrick

O'NEILL WORKS A MIRACLE Study in Dual Personality

There is. a suggestion" of irony in the sub-title of Eugene OTsTeill's "Days With-out End," which explains the confusion of the critics when the play was performedin New York To describe it as "a modern miracle play is misleadingperhaps intentionally so In subject it suggests the medieval "moralities" rather than the miracle plays. The dramatic theme is the struggle of a man of religious temperament against his personal devil, a mocking, rational something" which is within him O'Neill has personified that "something" as a separate figure, a sort of Mephistopheles. following its master perpetually until it is vanquished at the foot of the Cross. That is the miracle of the play-a conclusion which the rules of dramatic probability have already ruled out. For three acts O'Neill is a dramatist -didactic as usual, but compelling in his intensity In the epilogue he steps out of his role as playwright to perform a miracle. He appears to have deliberately done violence to his dramatic sense in order to surprise his audience, to set it guessing whether there is a note of irony in the completeness of his surrender.

The choice of this play as the last of the year by the Grogan McMahon Players was ambitious but well justified. The production of the latest O'Neill play in New York is an event of importance, and Melbourne audiences are fortunate to be able to see and to judge for themselves while the play is still a live subject of controversy. Beyond this, however, the production is worth while, because it is not merely a freak play, but a play of genuine dramatic intensity.

- O'Neill has set his stage In accordance With irtsLusual dramatic formula. The spectacle is the disintegration of a character seeUuin the revealing light of a great emotional strain John -, Leaving, who stands the front of the stage, is represented by two persons - the instinctive John-trusting, suffering, and loving by turns - and the rational Loving-mock-ing, doubting, and rejecting. John is tortured by the thought that he has been unfaithful to his wife, and is desperately anxious to retain her love. Loving suggests to him that he is afraid of love and should face the fact openly. The struggle between these two forces centres upon an autobiographical novel which he is writing. Loving's conclusion for the novel is that his wife dies and he com-miss suicide. The conclusion is almost fulfilled when the miracle occurs and the evil spirit is driven out

O'Neill has made little or no attempt at realism in the character di owing, and, consequently, the play does not make the Usual demands upon the players. Mr. Lloyd Lambie gives a creditable performance as John in a port which is made more difficult by the division of the speeches with his alter ego This part is taken by Mr. Paul O'Loughlin, who wears a Satanic mask to leave no doubt that the rational spirit Is essentially evil Mr O'Loughlin, succeeds in making the part sinister without being ridiculous Miss Lynette Dickenson gives an excellent performance as- Elsa, the wife, who is the one rounded character in the play. Mr. C.H. Crosby acts capably o Father Bond, the righteous priest, who might have been taken direct from one of the morality plays. Mr. McMahon's production is sound and effective. "Apart from a little unevenness in the smaller parts the cast Works smoothly throughout.

Town Hall


Grainger With Orchestra

With Bach in his most exalted and Percy Grainger in his most vivid and spontaneous vein; with Eric Coates deallug in discreet musical unconventionallies, and Ambroise Thomas promoted to the company of Wagner, the programme presented on Saturday night at the choral and orchestral concert organised in aid of the Lord Mayor's appeal for flood relief provided a test of artistic adaptability for both audience and performers. Conducted alternately by Mr. Grainger, Professor Bernard Heinze, Mr. George English, ^Mr.^Eercy^Codiv-Mr^-WiHwm-^ar James, and Mr. William Mallinson, the Melbourne Symphony Orchestra took some time to, get, into its stride, but with Mr. Grainger at" the plans, Professor Heinze in confxoV-~aud Mrs. Grainger officiating at the marimba, staff bells, and Lylephone the success of the Australian com-poserVççttlng of "Spoon River" was im-mediate.'- -J-In his- original" composition "Harve3EH¡Jítíti," wish" received on this occasioB-3t»"flrs(î-performanç<j/-ln "MelbournerrSJíITCffSliiger appeared as conductorr"ándj,tibto.ineU are admirable rcsponserfiörff" the orchestra "Harvest Hymn displays the adroit sense of in-strumahtat<i<>Iour, the rhythmical vitality, and thtcjmrjous union of simplicity and sophistication- characteristic of" Mr. GralngSSÖ3fflÜligs."-Xhe.audlenee, which by its¡*Dftijiria«m¡-TOBde:ETOenaríor.rits. scantypltajJOÍIBEBr-wóuId -have liked to hear tktsíltem again^-but.'had tcTéonteñt" Itself ÜJfibwík^iírepeat performance" of "ShephenlVHey,': Moderately well, played at the iIEStTiiearing,-this item was admirably handled theatrical" performance. -

The 3Sanctus,"""Gratias Aglmus," and "GloritrtapEjfCClsis Deo," from the Bach B minot-MaflS) provided the Melbourne Festlva)td3iQ}Cwlth well realised opportunitle»*<br*^eighty and > brilliant tonal displayj£32aaSKthe direction of Mr. English thgytagew-attacked the Innumerable tcchniçBJl^SiroHlëms inseparable , from Bach's -choral style ', with praiseworthy determJñaüon,~and,-.thanks to the initiative of¿^js¿c_pn.dUctor, retrieved their rhythnucil_.aoouraey after a couple of hozai-dousjjcOBalS.T

Of the-assistlng-artists, the city organist (Mr^SCCNCMcKlé) displayed excellent musioianshlD-botrros soloist and in his shafSCoCthfilconcerted items. Miss Ellzabeth-Galbraith's vocal contributions met wluCïeody-appreolatlon. This young singer's pretty voice-will gain in musical effectiveness when she acquires a more disciplined method of vocal production.

The Premier (Sir Stanley Argyle) thanked the- artists for their generous collaboration, and commended the flood relief fund to the practical sympathy of the citizens of Melbourne.

The Kingi's, ? * ' RUSSIAN


"Venusberg" Bacchanal

There may ? be something incongruous In an assembly of women and men in evening clothes examining with critical detachment the simulated frenzies of a group of dancers performing a Greek bacchanal. Oscar Asche made the ridiculous appear Impressive by sheer weight of numbers and shimmering spectacle. The Russian ballet achieves the seemingly impossible with Incredible economy of means-a coloured drop-scene, bare boards, and no more than 80 performers. Simplicity triumphs over absurdity by virtue of superb dancing, uncanny group-ing of figures, and the glorious swirl of the Venusberg music from Tannhauser." On the operatic stage Wagner's richtoned score always seemed too good for the puny antics of amateur revellers gathered haphazard from the nearest school of dancing; it has taken the Russian ballet to revise that preconception. Only once on Saturday night did a mis-placed bitter disturb the Illusion; after all, anyone may be forgiven for laughing at a satyr. M. Launitz lent the services of his orchestra generously, giving the whole first part of the opera, from the overture to the searing, seething music of the bacchanal.

It was not a night of conspicuous in dividual performances. Rather It was a model of splendid team work. Both in the Venusberg and the Egyptian ballet I (music by Verdi and Lightly favourite dancers sank their individualities in the

ensemble, and were content to take their applause wIUCtHe- rest,.- Only In Raymonde were-*onportut}>tleS.":.deliberatelyoffered offered for^MUe^-Bojlcovich-and MM. Vilzak and-Petrottrtor.dlstílay their remarkable talents.. Here; the, persistently tuneful music-of/OlâzbunoB.was matched by exquisite scenery-a castle seen dimly' through an enchanted grove, on the moonlit award of, which knights in chain armour and:,ialr indies in old French dresses tripped gaily under an arch of swords. It might have been inspired by a Coleridge poem or, in its sense of impending tragedy, by A page from Edgar Allan Poe, for. when I' Raymdnda falls asleep comes U terrifying dream of a bloodthirsty Moorish knight, who is put to rout by the oncoming darkness- and the return ,of,"JJiÄ'3*ay->«-lover- from the Crusades. Costnimesr-scenielryíráña.-ihe mystical gloom'iri'which-wi^visign-^takps

shape combined to produce a strange and appealing phantasy.

In a set of delightful divertissements the unstercotypcd work of the youthful Juliana Ennkieva in a "Doll Dance" won instant attention. There was a breaking away from pure classicism, too. in some exotic Indian dances; one, a joyous tribal dance infused with fun and vigour; the other a series oL'gauche postures Inspired by authentic Hindu music from flute and drum. There was stirring beauty in Mile. Keegan's Spanish dance to the clatter of castanets and the swirl of white and red skirt, while a complete corps de ballet found opportunity to display grace, little-less, and agility In a "pass classique."

This programme will be presented until Friday evening, and there will be a matinee next Wednesday. At the matinee on Saturday there will be a change of programme The booking will open at Allan's this morning J. C Williamson Ltd. announces that the company will transfer to the Comedy Theatre next Monday evening. December 54.

His Majesty's


To Aid Flood Victims

By permission of J. C. Williamson Ltd a performance in aid of the flood relief fund was given in His Majesty's Theatre last evening. The promoters reported, that the effort had proved financially successful. As "Blue Mountain Melody," the Russian Ballet Co., and considerable amateur talent was drawn upon the programme was bright and varied Miss Marie le Varre and Mr. George Moon were heard in the humorous duet "I'm-Yours"; and a two grand piano duet was given by Mr. Charles Zwar and Miss ' Essie Morison. In an operatic excerpt from Mignon,. Miss Phyllis. Ferguson" was heard to advantage,' the singer's mother, Mrs. J. Ferguson, acting as accompanist. Clever and at times amusing, was a stockwhip demonstration given by Colonel Hol-man James and two young women assistants; and Miss Madge Elliott and Mr. Cyril Ritchard were given a cordial reception In some "Blue Mountain Melody" favourites, notably, "Peter is Here."

Three delightful items were contributed by the Sisserman String Quartet; and charcoal sketches by Mr. Don Nicol provided a light touch. In the second part Philip Hargrave contributed a Beethoven item; and Mr. Harry Wotton sang Schumann's "The Two Grenadiers." Mr. Charles Norman gave a few minutes of a monologue entertainment. The final part was devoted exclusively to the Russian Ballet, which appeared by arrangement with Mr. Alexander Leviton.

The Plaza


Ann Harding's Fine


Above the maze of ogling blondes, faithless brunettes, and chorus girls, Hollywood has placed the image of Ann Harding as the symbol of all that is noblest in women. While others change their husbands, the colour of their hair, and, if they are fortunate, the nature of their roles, Ann Harding waits serenely

In her race for one

call to sacrifice: In "The Life of Virgie Winters" she

plays the part inwhich she has become established,but but she does it so well that she adds considerably to her reputation. By making convincing an almost unbelievable devotion between-a married man and

a woman over a

period of 20 years she makes the film.


She is the manner of a small town in love with a man who has a career Fate plays cruel tricks on the pair, but they remain faithful to each other. It requires much courage by a Hollywood director to evolve a film which is not of the happy everafter ' type The Life of Virgie Win.ters-'-is-nok-gay Indeed It has few moments which are happy Ann Harding, as Virgie Winters has a child which she cannot mother before the world for fear of the effect on the career of her lover, and although the last sequence shows her being reprieved from an unjust imprisonment following his death the ending could not be called happy It is a tribute to Ann Harding that she is one of the few actresses in Hollywood who may be trusted with rustic. ending -She has become accusedcomedian looking wan and old in the last scene, but she has sufficient artistry to portray emotion without a flood of glycerine tears In this film effects are achieved by naturalness restraint, and her serenity On the other hand John Boles is so set else that he might be think-ing of his vegetable patch rather than of lq7RT"_I- is little more than a puppet beside-the lça/Ung^w oman Betty Furnç5S__3ve&. a*okiarming portrayal of the grown-up daughter of the two lovers, but the other characters are completely overshadowed by Ann Harding The film is her success -.

' Bachelor BMt " the story of a matrimonial bureau known as Romance In-corporated,"-Js not quite as silly as it sounds It is frequently tedious but sometimes iCse Comes amusing Stuart Erwin plays the part of a guileless man who sets up the bureau because he believes in the sanctity of marriage His work is more philanthropic than commercial Most of the humour is obtained by exploiting his simplicity

The State


Joe E. Brown Plays Acrobat

Doubtless because of the effect of the close-up the screen has brought to the fore a generation of clowns whose chief stock in trade is some facial peculiarity Eddie Cantor is the comedian of the enormous eyes Jimmy Durante the comedian of the enormous nose and Joe E Brown the comedian of the enormous mouth In a Circus Clown' we see a lot of Brown's mouth for, unlike Cantor, he uses very little subtlety in exploiting his oddity Although he belonged in childhood to the ch cus Brown is a very poor clown He relies for his laughs upon the carvernous mouth and a certain hangdog expression which it gives him. When he has out-roared the lion and out-yawned the hippopotamus he has finished his tricks He shambles about the circus being duped by all the wise guys" and without a friend in the world except little Dickie the orphan and Leo the amiable lion The comedy is patched together aimlessly and is singularly low in tone Brown never indulges in any hearty slap-stick He is always making mistakes about people and things but he never falls over ropes or plays the fool as Chaplin did in his circus film The treatment of the comic subject betrays a certain indecision It is the old story of the fool who surprised his tormentors by making good but the food is a stiff and monotonous figure Brown seems to be hesitating between straightforward comedy and character study He is too ridiculous to pose as a hero and too remote to be really funny Patricia Ellis makes, an adequate heroine but little Dickie Moore is much more than adequate as, the orphan It is surprising that this attractive youngster has not shared in the latest boom in child "stars "

' Thank Your Stars" is a protracted romance dealing with the loves of musichall performers and Jazz-band players As in most stories of the type the ' tough guys" and tougher dames" reveal un-suspected funds of tenderness, whenever there is a crisis and the final sequence shows friends and foes as one happy family The film is one of the last in which the late Dorothy Dell appeared She is supported by several reliable comedians, including Alison Skipworth Roscoe Kearns and Jack Oakie

- Other Films

Such Women Are Dangerous featuring Warner Baxter Mona Barrie and Rosemary Ames is at the Melba Theatre with Fog Over Frisco

Blossom Time in which Richard Tauber as Schubert sings some of the composer s loveliest songs, continues its successful season at the Majestic Theatre The associate attraction is The Great Defender with Matheson Lang and Margaret Bannerman "

The current programme at the Athenaeum comprises Carl Brisson in Two Hearts In Waltz- Time" and George Gee In strike It Rich '


Impressive pictures of the Eucharistic Con-gross are "_i£_tenture, of the programme this wcetKT Tho.-ogush-women cricketers are seen _n._ic_U>n,»ii_- ib-re-nre,news films from many parts of the-world "as" a "," i

Hoyts De Luxe


A Slapstick Production

"Strike Me Lucky" is ridiculous. Whether it can be accepted as funny is largely a question of taste. There is nothing of importance in the picture, except Roy Rene, or, as he is better known, No, playing the part of Mo. The plot rambles along until it becomes a hopeless tangle about nothing. It just follows No wher-ever he goes. He is out of work, and tries the temporary occupations of salesman, lifesaver, prospector, and statue. It is his grotesqueness which brings the laughs, Just as an orang-outang in the zoo causes laughter. The dear old Australian legend of. a lost goldmine somewhere outback is dragged in. The two torn pieces of map which are the basis for this element of the story would not be sufficiently clear to guide a party out of a room; but the party," with Mo in the advance guard, reaches the goldmine. Cannibals appear. Where they come from no one seems to care, but they are good-natured enough to throw gold-bearing stone at the in-truders. Against this background Mo miles with no attempt at subtlety. Most of the film is like a succession of photographed vaudeville turns, relying not on Mossel, but almost entirely on his buf-foonery. His facial contortions, coy looks, and squeaky voice are seen and heard ceaselessly There is one item from his stage-repertoire-which might have been deprived of the honour of a special closeup. When he is speaking to one Lowenstem the proprietor of a secondhand store, played by Bert le Blanc, he gives his celebrated imitation of a water-main bursting. The sight is not edifying. From beginning to end the film is slapstick, although there is little to cavil at in the photography of Captain Frank Hurley. Due regard is shown for proper lighting values, but sequences could have been made to follow more smoothly and sensibly, The characters, apart from Mo, show plenty of enthusiasm, but not much artistry.

The supporting film, "Give Her a Ring," is a musical omelette that has been a little overdone. It is in the style of of "Sunshine Susie," without that film's verve and naturalness. Clifford Mollison, who is a good imitation of Sonnie Hale, plays pleasantly enough, assisted by Wendy Barrie as Karen, a telephone girl. The film drifts between liveliness and dullness and it would have been improved by the omission of three inane telephone linesmen who spend their time tangled up in wires, knocking each other to the ground, smacking faces, and gibbering.

The Lyceum -'


Familiar Cowboy Film

Those who believe that a dishonest, slimy judge can rob a charming heiress against the wish of a dashing cowboy will have their minds clarified by a visit to "Ghost Valley." Judge Blake (Mitchell Harris is the executor of a large estate, most of which is situated in Boom City. He wishes to "gain control"there is a familiar ring about the phrase and as a preliminary he seeks to induce the heir and heiress to sell their interest in a mine which is supposed to be valueless, but which is nothing of the kind. He feels that he has got the heiress, Jane Worth (Merna Kennedy) in his hands, but he cannot find the heir. Eventually he conceives the idea of getting a cowboy, Jerry Long (Tom Keene) to impersonate the heir, and doubtless all would have gone well with him had not Jerry turned out to be the real missing heir', anxious to do his best for himself and the charming heiress. Before long the scales are weighted against the forces of evil, which are put to flight in a series of dashing rides over mountain passes and water-worn canyons-some-times before and sometimes behind the sheriff's men.

Tom Keene, whether In his flapping chaps," dashing down the side of a perpendicular mountain or in a motor-car out-running an aeroplane overhead, brings screams of delight from the juvenile members of the audience. At times, of course, he has to "lay about him," and land home on a chin so accommodating exposed that in the prize-ring the victim would probably find himself disqualified for having framed a slander." Such opportunities as are given Merna Kennedy are fully availed of The film takes its name from the fact that Judge Blake, in an effort to induce the heirs to leave the place, "stages" a number of phantom rides, ghostly musical numbers, and clutching hands." These give Jane's Aunt Susan (Kate Campbell) an opperguilty to wave a deprecating Lorgnette, and fail to see through the most obvious disguises.

"The Most Precious Thing in Life" is a domestic melodrama, in which Jean Arthur, Donald Cook, Richard Cromwell, and Anita Louise take part.

Shakespeare in a Garden

A pastoral performance of Shakespeare's "A Midsummer Night's Dream" was given at the Green Point Gardens, Brighton Beach, on Saturday night. The production was directed by Mr. John Cairns, who was associated with similar produc-tions In England. There was a ballet of 25 under the direction of Miss Dorothy Hutchinson.

Special lighting was installed in the gardens, which made a delightfully natural setting for the fantasy. The Brighton orchestra played Mendelssohn's incidental music to the play. The artificial moon-light from concealed floodlights among the trees and shrubberies added to the picturesque setting for the fairy scenes.

The cast included Lillian Hartley, Sheenagh Page, Joan Turner, Jean Cleary, Lois MUlikin, Valerie Watson, Thelma Gay, Dorothy Pike, Lerrida Anderson, Sheila Collis Brown, John Cairns, Leonard Stephens, Paul Hill, Max Collard, Leslie Gordon, Vincent Scully, Lance Nicholls, Clifford Baker, William Lockhardt, Norman Shepherd, and Kenrick Hudson.


The first performance in Australia of the musical comedy "Roberta" will be given at His Majesty's Theatre next Saturday evening. Heading the cast will be Madge Elliott and Cyril Ritchard, together with Ethel Morrison (who will play the role for which she was engaged in New York), Frank Leighton, John Dudley, Marie Le Varre. Leo Franklyn, Jean Duncan, and others. The play will be produced by Cyril Ritchard. The booking will open at Allan's this morning.


There will be only five more performances of "Blue Mountain Melody" at His Majesty's Theatre, as the season will end next Friday evening. No matinee will be given on Wednesday, as the theatre will be required for preparations for the production of "Roberta."


"Mother Goose" will begin at the King's Theatre on Boxing Day, under the direction of Frank Neil. There will be 26 scenes and! three acts. A strong cast has been selected, including Jim Gerald (Dame), Hetty King (principal boy), Isabel Mahon (principal girl), William Hassan... golden goose), and many other artists Several specialty acts will be a feature of the show, comprising the Dazzling Littlejohns, the Amazing Orlando's, and Etoile and -Laurence,. The box-plans will open at Allan's this morning.


The Australian musical romance, "The Cedar Tree," which will begin at the Princess Theatre on Saturday night, was inspired by a visit by the composer, Varney Monk (who composed "Collitt's Inn"), to the old town of Windsor, on the Hawksbury River,- in New South Wales. Ajiowly organised company will play the principal roles, including Gladys Moncrieff, Alfred Frith; Russell Scott, J. Barrett Lennard, Claude Flemming, Byrl walkley, and Phyllis Baker. The ballets have Doon arranged by Jennie Brenan, and include a novel bird effect, "The Dance of the Lyrebirds.".. The box-plan for Cedar Tree" Will open at Allan's this morning,

and permanent first night seats may be picked up at the theatre daily between 10 a.m. and 5 p.m.


For a farewell season the variety artists at the Tivoli have begun a brief revival of their successful revue and vaudeville programme, "Now Faces." The production will run only until to-morrow night. On Wednesday evening Paris En Fete," a new production, will begin, with a new company, which includes Sid. Field, comedian. Jane Ayr, comedienne, Eddie Leslie. Eastern Brothers. Chinese acrobat Michel and Arnova, and Hay Vaughan, American musician, .


A feature of the Nativity play which will be presented by the Standard Players' Society an

Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, will be the presentment of a group of Fra Angelica angels, and the dance of the cherubs on the way to Bethlehem. The music will be under the direction of Gertrude Healy and Georgina Claridge.


A Christmas radio party will be given by broadcasting artists at the Melbourne Town Hall on Saturday evening, December 22. Tickets (16 each) will be on sale of the broadcasting studios after December 19 and nt HallproKromme office. 66 Bourke-street Written application for tickets may be made by enclosing a stamped and addressed envelope with application. The award for the best announcers of 1034 will be presented during the evening.


Mr Ernest Rolls will give a performance of the "Merry Maloney" at the Apollo Theatre DU Sunday, December 30, In aid of the flood

relief funds, with the original cast headed by Polly Walker

By permission of the management of Northern Theatres Pty. Ltd a picture night will be held at the Regent Theatre, Johnston direct,

Fitzroy, on Sunday. December 23 for the appeal being made by the mayor (Councillor J. J Barrett), to assist those who suffered during the floods

Independent Theatres

Clark Gable and Robert Montgomery in "Night Flight" and Sylvia Sydney in "Thirty-day Princess" will occupy the programme at three theatres this week Balwyn Theatre, Balwyn; Sandringham Theatre, Sandringham; and the Western Theatre, West Brunswick. At the Burnley Theatre, Burnley, Laurel and Hardy, Jimmy Durante, and a host of Hollywood stars are In "Hollywood Party," with Jackie Cooper and Lila Lee in "Lone Cowboy." "Murder at the Vanities" and Randolph Scott In "Man of the Forest" are listed for the Prince George Theatre, Middle Brighton,' and the former film is paired with Richard Arlen and Ida Lupino in "Come On, Marines," at the Plaza, Ormond.

With Joan Crawford in "Sadie McKee" at the Apollo Theatre. Glenferrie, Is W. C. Fields in "You're Telling Me," while the Orient Theatre at Heidelberg will show Tarzan and His Mate," with Buster Heaton and Jimmy Durante in "What, No Beer?" The Broadway Theatre, Elwood, is featuring Barbara Stanwyck in Gambling Lady and Will Rogers in "Handy Andy." Jackie Cooper and Lila Lee are coupled in "Lone Cowboy" at the Adelphi, North Carlton, with Mary Astor and Ginger Rogers In Upper World " The latter film will also be shown at the Moonee Ponds Theatre, with John and Lionel Barrymore in "Night Flight."