Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 - 1957), Monday 2 July 1934, page 9




GOVERNOR ATTENDS MATCH Umpire "Counted Out" by Crowd


South Melb., 13 gls. 19 bnds. (97 pts.) Fitzroy, 13 gls. 10 bnds. (88 pts.)

His Excellency the Governor (Lord Huntingfield) was among the 37 000 spec-tators who saw the League football match between South Melbourne and Fitzroy on Saturday. As a mattewr of fact and a matter of tact, he was bound to concede, as he did at half-time, that the code was very interesting, but as a former Queens-lander, and after his long residence in England, he was bound also to say a guarded word about the attractions of Rugby. At any rate, Lord Huntingfield did not, as many followers of Rugby do, say that Australian football is "too polite." Perhaps the crushing handgrips he re-ceived from players of both sides before the match convinced him that the game was not precisely "ladylike."

The match itself was very spirited. It was not distinguished by brilliant team-work or special individual skill, but it was one of the most vigorous clashes seen in the League competition this year. Either the responsibility of the occasion or the desire to keep tho play moving proved too much for the central umpire (Frood), the result being that he allowed the players to "have their heads" in the early stages, and the game almost got out of hand. At the end of the first quarter Fitzroy sup-porters made an extraordinary demonstra-

tion, which culminated in the umpire being "counted out."

Not Premiership Form

On the whole, there was little to choose between the two teams. Neither showed form of the premiership type. With thr return of the captain and vice-captain (Bisset and Reville) South's ruck re- gained some of Its old strength but Rob ertson a (Ino play or In certain positions «ns scarcely an adequate substitute for the nippy llttlo Brain ns roicr On the other hand Flttroy had the nilrfortunc to lose Bunton who was budded and in Jurcd In the second quartei

neu without Its clack roici FlUrov did nell oarly In the second hnir mid might liai o done better lind Doniicllnii not allowed Pratt to gel so fur In fiont or him ro frequently Sllll tlio buck pocket men «ere Just as much to »"uno lu this re_mtl Somr of the southern plnjois hv the way conecntintc too mut h upon Pratt and litretords One dav an opposing bntk will cling lo the ci nek foiuaitl mid IcaAc South wondcrli g what has become of Its roiiIs Rid Coicnlrv guaids ngnlnst such ii con Ungen i In the Collingwood ranks bl a« Itching lils goal Mokine bl other Goi

don to the hnlf forwiutl line now and


Although the ground was pleasntith soft lifter the recent ruin pinjéis goncinllj found It hard to keep a bnliiiiLo In the grease patch In tho centre of (he field and the white knlckeis of the FlUroj men bcriimc soiled icrj emly Hoiicin the ground was not sufflclentl) hciuy to hnmper fljlng feet und pluj during the first 10 minutos was vciy fust In Hint period Prntt missed aa 1th two shots nml O Meara taking a pass from \uslln scored n rather luckl gonl the bnll bonn

elng oirr the keeper s head Prntt got the second goal with a long punt after AAhleh OMenra on the one side mid Camelon on the other lilt a post ritrrovs flist goal carne from a fine shot by Coulnci from a sharp anglo Indlildiiallj the features of the play weir the strong woik nf Bisset In Souths ruck mid tho cleier ness of Sniallhorn on the contle wing foi ntzroj Collccthclj the (online was the ragged work near goal At the flist thange

Routh led by 2-5 to 1-4

Low Sooinifr Continues

At half time In the chief nintcli of the previous Saturday 10 gonls hud been 'cored This time-suth hil the lluctun

tions In goal kicking-the niimbcis kicked In the two quniters totalled nilli eight South hammered hard em lj In the second temi Matthews began with a point Hie speedy Robertson added two moic and thon Bisset found Pratt with ii fine long puss for South s third goal Fltirov s i espouse was prompt Clevei woik by Bunton and Cameron got one goal and a kick bj Ben

ham rolled through for another Hillls being caught well out of tho goal Roi Hie fulled badly with a place shot but niado no mistake when ho got a free a few j aids from the goal mouth riinoys next i,oiil came In a curious way The umpire up pnrcntly Intended to penalise Cumcion foi holding the ball but gave him n fice In stci>d for a sling round the neck und n soi d kick scored the goal Play nt this sti ,o una a cry rugged and odd frees foi hr ding the bull did little to lclax Hit tension Had South a 1 Icklng been bcllci the half time load would hnvc been moit than six points-4-11 to 4-5

Eitzioy's One point Lend

Early In the thiicl qunilti both sidts began to sparkle After Daw on hud beuttn off a South attack Camelon made position «marti) took a long pass anil kicked n nice goal-he drop kicks i cry strongly for » small man Now the scores were lei el und the fight wns icry sticnuous South Jumped ahead again when Robertson now forward dashed In foi n gonl and then n fljlng shot by Sharpe (who had îeplnccri Bunton; hit a post Sinallhoin lending Claikc a pretty dunce on a centre Ailng Marted Fitzroy off twice nguiu bul Nnsh snd Fahey were on the nlcit und Robcit

ton helped Humphries to a (,oul with a rleicrbcrew punt ClnppliiL, on the pate I'lt/roy produced the best football so fm seen nnd when Thompson kicked Ino sue

rosslio goals tho maroons were uhend for the first time-49 to 48 Again South took the lead when Bisset und Robertson and then O Meara played to Prntl w ho min keel finely and kicked well foi two succcsslic goals Rovlllc too should hnic scoicd but his kicking gcnciully was wietched Incidentally the wily neville was gettlnt, more freo kicks than he i cully meiltcd lach side scored unothci goul-Kellehci profiting by a smart pass from Austin und Calllck kicking well for Fltrroj-nnd at the last chango South led by 0-14 to

The home team not being out of dniigci with a leud of 11 points Its suppoitcrs groaned when Rcillle fiom n gift shot 10 \ards In front of goal got only n point However Matthews began another rally and Pratt snapped tenth Roal with n screw kick ntzroy replied promptly with u goal bj Bexton who when Jostled kopt his balance us only an old campaigner could Ono of Illzroj s troubles now-us Indeed «as the cuse nil daj-was Hint two or throe or four men would persist In Jump

lng together This Is un olemenliirv e ror that eicrv couch should endcuvotu to stump oui, After Revlllo lind bl oleen through with n goal foi South from un

othor free hound Robertson In turn weic penalised for holdlne, the ball nnd Bmnll norn pla)ed sinnrtly to Camelon foi Flt7

roj s next goal When Blott broke thiougli ngaln with u long kick Flt/roj wns nnlv olght point- In nnenis And the cuwd wuxed a cry excited Both leam showed remarkable stamina but South was Hie stronger at the end nnd run out wlnncis bj

nine polnts

A curious scoring episode ttcuiietl nftci the flnul bell had rimi. Benimm mnikcd about 50 jurds out Just bernie Unit und ns no t "k a casual kick ut the gonl the pim eis be an to run off the kioiiikI I hr bull trickled towards the behind posu wns tie

fleeted by n smnll boj nnd inllctl Huong!) the goal upon which Iht nmpln nullo correctlj waved two flugs

Best PlayciB and GobI kiokcis

The strongest and most sei vlrenble Plajer on the winning side was Hie tup tain Bisset who dominated the i licit und played well to his men Austin nnd Humphries produced vciy sound giuucs and the best of the otlict« wcio Fuliej

McKay Foul McKcnrle O Mourn Rob-

ertson und Pratt

Fitzroy had the two cloverest men on the ground In Bmnllliorn and Cnmoron lim ¡ne on a contre w lng and tho other roi Int. Nicholls on tho other wing wits u little ahead of Matthews Datvion mid Mutt «ofended well Pitcher mid Calllck wcio hardworking followers Soxton was solid nnd shrewd and Thompson did well In the

second half

Qoal-klckcrs-South Molbournc Pi uti <«) Roi Hie (3) OMcain RobciUon Humphries Welsh Kollchor Fltnoi Cameron (4) Benhnm (3) Thompson (¿) Cordncr Stott Sexton Calllck