Herald (Fremantle, WA : 1867 - 1886), Saturday 28 February 1885, page 3

HOLLOWAY'S OINTME??NT AND PILLS.More precious than Gold.-During summer and autumn, the prevai;ling diseases are diarrhma, dysentery, fevers and English cholera, particularly dangerous to children and young people. In those acute cases where internal medicines cannot be retained the greatest relief will immediately result from rebbing Hlolloway's soothing Ointmen t - over the abldomen. The friction should be frequent and brisk, to ensure the penetration" of a large portion of the UngIent. This Ointment calms the excited p ristalic,action quickly allaying the pain. Both vomiting and griping yield to it, where fruits or vegetables have originated the malady, it is proper to remove all ildigeste I matter from the bowels by a moderate dose of i-lI )loway's Pills before using the Oiltment. DON'£ DIE IN THiE HIOUSE "Rough on Rats" clears out rats, mice, beetles, roaches, bed-bugs, flies, ants, insects moles,jack-rabbits, gophers, F. HI Fauld,ing 4 CQo, AdMlidw,

THE BAD AND WORTI? LESS are neverimitated or counterfeited. This is especially true of a family medicine, and it is positive proof that the remedy imitated is [of the highest value. As soon as it had been tested and proved by the whole world that Hop Bitters was the purest, best and most valuable family medicine on earth, many imitations sprung up and began to steal the notices in which the press and the people of the country had expressed the merits of H. B. and in every way trying to induce suffering invalids to use their stuff instead, expecting to make money on the credit andgood name ofI.1. B. Many others started nostrums iput up in similmr style to H. B., with variuusly devised names in which the word "Hop" or "Hops" were used in a way to iuduce people to bcleive they were the same as Hop Bitters. Allsuch pretended remedies or cures, no matter whPt their stile or name is, and especially those with the word "Hop" or "Hops" in their name or in any way connected with them or their name, are imitations or counterfeits. Bewareot them. Touch none of them. Use nothing butgenuine American Hop Bitters with a bunch or cluster of green Hops on the white lable, and Dr. Soule's name blown in the glass. Trust nothing else. Druggists Chemists are warned against dealing in imitations or counterfeits. A Cute Animal.-The chamelon rec.koss himself a clever little beast because he can change his colour, but Judson's Dyes will change the hue of any material. Judsonl's Artists' Black gives a " new drese suit" to fire-grave and fen er. Jodson's Guld Paint turns old picture frames and cornices into new ones. Judson is an Alchemist,and the Chemists, Stationers and storekeepers are his agnts. The character of the Emigrants of 1881, is far abve metdiouirity and the general run of th. se who have hitherto sought a refuge in this. the Ihome of liberty and peace. Nt thescums of the population of the old world but well-to-do farmers, and artisans, and latborers. Let them comel We can give them good food an.l drink, nut stimulants that maldeCn, out tonies that in. vigorate like Udolpho Wolfe's Schiedam Aromotic Schnapps.

NOTICE. THE PARTNERSHIP hitherto existing between James William Hope and Henry George Bertram Mason, trading under the style of HOPE & MASON as Sheep farmers and Graziers at Moorarie, Murchi son River, was dissolved by mutual consent on the 20th November last. All debts due to the firm must be paid to James W. Hope, and all accounts owing by the firm will be settled by him. Signed by the said James W. Hope on the 27th De- JAMES W. cember 1884, in the pre- HOPE. sence of F. C. MIonger" Signed by the said Henry George Bertram Mason on the 13th January, 1885, H.G.B. MASGN in the presence of Winm. Collins. J Feb. 20. PERRY DAVIS' PAIN KILLER IS A FURELY VEGETAIBLE REMEDY for INTERNAL and EXTERNAL Use. PBAZTN KIZLLEBR has never failed when used according to pr'inted directions inclosing each bottle, and is perfectl safe even in the most snerqerienced hands. PAB~N ZTILLER is a SURE CURE for SORE THROAT, COUGHS, CHILLS, DIARRH(EA DYSENTERY, CRAMPS, CHOLERA, ard ail Bowel Comlilaints. PBAZIN KILLER IS THE BEST REMEDY known for SEA SICKNeSS, SICK HEAD. ACHE, PAI'S SE TIlE BACK OR SIDE, RHEUMATIs?M, and NEURALGA. ZAIN KILLER is snquestionably the BEST LITNAdlENI MADE. It brings speedy andlsermanent relief in all cases of BRUISES, CUTS, SPRAINS, SEVERE BURNS, etc PAIN TKILLER is the well-tried and trusted FRIEND Of the MECIANIC, FALRMER, PLANTER, SAILOR, and in factall classes wanting a IsEDICINE always at hand, and safe to s'e INTERNALLY OR EXTERNNALLY WITH CERTAINTY OF RELIEF. g.-No family can afford to be without this invalnuable remedy in the house. Its price brings it within the reach of all, and it willannually save many times its cost in doctors' bills. Sold by all Chemists and Storekeepers. PERRY DAVIS & 0ON, Providence, R.IProprietors.

LAND SALES. --:o:-Crown Lands' Office, Perth,b 17th February, 1885. r HBE undermentioned Allotments of Land will be offered for Sale, at Public Auction on S the dates and at the places specified in the Schedule below; at noon. SCHEDULE. Dates of Sale. Places of Sale. Description of Lots Nos. of Lots. Quantities. Upset Price. a. r. p. Mar. 11. Roebourne. Cossack Town 165 0 1 14 , do do 168 0 2 0 do do 169 0 2 0 o 0 do fRoebonme Town 128 0 2 0 , o do 207 0 2 0 S do do 209 0 2 0 , do Iroebourne Sub. 3 3 0 0 £5 per acre May 6. Perth. Derby Town 43 0 2 0 * 20 per acre Mar. 4. Toodyay Toodyay Sub. 12 4 0 0 do de 13 4 0 0 peracre JOHNI FORREST, Commissioner of Crown Lands. T 0 LET, HALL OF COMMERCE, 'REMBANTLE, (LATE H. J, SAW). A LEASE of these commodious business premises may be had on liberal terms. Further information may be obtained from Mr. J. J, HIGHAM, or 11r. CHAS. A. SAW. ENGLISH GOVERNMENT CONTRACT. 'A@1-IMILE. INSPEQPOWN ENGINEER'S FORM. eplytobeadressd to- India Office, ndeae omlee 0 Westminster, S.W. WMtmins.r, I am directed by the Secretary of State for India in Council to acquaint you that your Tender of the date and for the articles mentioned below has 3ben this day accepted, subject to the Conditions and Specification on which you tendered. Your claim must be preferred in duplicate on the forms provided by this office, and you are requested to quote on them the date of this letter and thefollowing reference. f9 . I request that yon will acknowledge the receipt of this letter, and that yen will not commence the work until you have received fall instructions from the Inspecting Engineer. Iam, Your obedient Servant, Director-General of Stores. __ate Date of Tender Nature of Articles For what Service I a it Gross Amount. £ s. d. A s. d. &f e.aOtl m00 ea. SThe above is a fac-simile (omitting price) of the Fourth, conseoutive order from the British Government to the American Watch Co., of Waltham, Mass., for Watches to be used by the Conductors, Engineers, Station-Masters, and other employees on the Indian State Railways. The Waltham Watches were selected as The Best, after thorough examination and open competition with the watches of the most prominent European makers. About 1500 Watches have now beea furnished the British Government by the Waltham Company. GOLfl uMEDALS. nWHaST AWARDS AT ALL INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITIONSPHILADELPHIA, PARIS, SYDNEY, MELBOURNE. AMERICAN WATCH COMPANY, WALTHAM, MASS., U.S.A., Branch OfficeW~ALTE.A SUTLD INGS , 0NDT STSEET, 3SDE7T. DONALD IANBON, General Manager in Australia. Ofices and Sales Rooms.NEW YORK. BOSTON. CHICAGO. LONDON. ROBBINS & APPLETON, General Agenta 2'lhe Whelesale felly supplied,

SLarge Wareohouse to Let. RHE undersigned is open to receive offers for the tenancy of a large Warehouse situated inWilliam Street, Perth, opposite the City Boot Factory and adjoining the lrinsmead Piano Warehouse. This would be well suited for a private bonded Warehouse. Possession can be given at any time with. in a month. For termsand rental apply to.A. M. JOtEPHSON, Cliff Street, Fremantle Fremantle, 23rd Feb. 1885.

iX TANTED-A Clerk and Book keeper V must have a thorough knowledge of accounts. One accustomed to a retail busincss preferred. T. & H. CARTER & CO. Fremantle, 11th Feb., 1884. --TANTED.- Near the City Railway VV Station, a Five Roomed Cottage .Apply, ALP'HA, "Morning Herald" Office hay Street, Perth. I"TANTED.-Copy of work on West V Australia by George Fletcher Moore. Apply stating price to B IHecrald ,office, Frcmantle. ;1?0 COMMERCIAL TIIAVELLERS & 1 OTHERS.-To Let in Perth Splendid Sample or Show rooms within five minutes walk of the Railway Station. Apply Office of the Morning Herald, Murray Street. W ANTED-A GOOD COOK, male or female. Good wages given. Apply, LONDON HOTEL, Albany. WTANTED AT ONCE-a Cutter and V Crew to proceed to Browse Island, to wvork the Guanoduposits, etc., etc. Full particulars on application T. & H. CARTER & CO. Agents Browse Island Co, Fremantle, Feb. 18, 1885, ANTED-A SIan as Ostler and Boots Apply CLEOPATRA HOTEL. Fremantle, February 23rd, 1885. W ANTED information of JEREMIIAH GREEN, formerly of Nailsworth Great North road, South Australia; last heard from Melbourne, 1854; last address care of Mr. E.C. Dunn, Ritondra Station Benbla, Victoria ; suoposed to have gone to New Zealand. Father (Henry Green) and Stepmother (Elizabeth Green) dead, Entitled to property under will. Information as to death or whereabouts rewarded. Ap. ply W. & T, Pope, solicitors, Adelaide, South Australia.

DRUNKEN SrUFF.'-How many children and women are slowly and surely dying, or rather being killed, by excessive doctoring, or the daily use of some drug or drunken stuff called medicine, that no one knows what it is made of who can easily be cured and saved by Hop bitters, which is so pure simple, aud harme:ess that the most frail woman, weakest invalid, or srmallest child can trust in itl See FACTS.-Close confinement and careful attention to all factory work gives the operatives pallid faces, poor appetites languid miserable fe:ling, poor blood, inactive liver kidneys, &ec., and all the physicians and medicine in the world cannot help them unless theygetoutofdoorsor use Hop Bitters. None will suffr if they will use it freely. Sec. SKLNNY MIEN "Wells' Health Renewer" restores health and vigor, cures Dyspepsia, Impotence, Deb lity, At druggists.F IH. Faulding & Co." Agents. Adelaide, ROUGH ON CORNS Ask for Wells' "Rough on Corns" Quick releif complete, permant cure, Corns warts bunions. F. Il, Faulding & Co, Agents Adelaide. COLONIAL AND INDIAN EXHIBITION, 1880. A IROYAL Commission, of which His 1. Royal Bighness the Prince of VWales has been pleased to assume the Presidency, having been appointed for the purpose of organising and carrying out in London, during the year 1886, an Exhibition of the products, manufactures, and resources of the Colonial and Indian Empire, and a memorandum explaining fully the purposes of this Exhibition having, by order of His Royal Highness the Prince of WVales, been furnish. ed for general guidance, with an invitation to this Government to join in binging prominently under notice the development and progress of this Colony, Iis Excellency the Administrator, in order to carry out this object, has appointed a Commission for the purpose cf collecting and forwarding such exhibits as will form a true and thorough representation of the industries, &c., of the Clony. At no period in its history has an Exhibition of this nature been of greater importance to its interests, both in regard to the present and the future. During the past few years Western Aus. tralia has been attracting the attention of capitalists and others, as is evidenced by the various schemes for its development which have lately been prominently before the public. It is therefore desirable that every'endea. your should be made to have our resources fully represented. The efforts of the Commission will be futile, unless secondcdby the general public; it is therefore hoped that every assistance will be given, so that the exhibits of the industries, manufactures, and resources of the country may be :of such a number and character as to render the Western Austra. lian Court a success. The space allotted to this Colony is ample, being 140 feet in length by 62ft. Gin. in breaath. In order to secure a wide and complete representation, Sectional Committees have been organised, who will devote themselves more particularly to special subjects, viz.: Section I.--STAPLE PRODUCTS--Comprising wool, timber, pearls and pearl shells, tortoise shell, sandalwood, guano, gums, furs, copper, lead, and other minerals; &c. Section 2.- COLOSIeL INDUSTRIESAgriculture, horticulture, preserves, (fish, fruits, &c.), oils, wines, &c. Section 3.-ARTS AND MANUFACTURES -Manufactures generally, including cases for exhibition, marble, stone work, &c. Section 4.-EDUCATION AND SCIENCEStatistics, history, geography, topo. graphy, anthropology, ethnology, (aboriginals), botany, zoology, con. chology, meteorology, geolocy &e. The cost of transport within the Colony, together with the conveyance of the Ex. hibits to London, will be borne from the funds provided. Local Committees for the collection of Exhibits will shortly be formed in every distri'ct. Intending Exhibitors should communicate at an early date to the Secretary of the Commission, Perth, the full particulars of such Exhibits as they may desire to send. By Order, ALPIN F. THOMSON, Secty. to the Committee, Perth, 26th February, 1885. TO CAPITALISTS, SPECULATORS, AND OTHERS. FOR SALE BY TENDER. VALUABLE TOWN AND SUBURBAN PROPERTY AT BUNBURY. rTHE undersigned is authorized by Mr. I Chas. L. Bastie, to sell by tender up to Ist May next, all that very valuable bleck, of land situate at the corner of Stirling St., and the Perth, Blaeckwood, and Vasse Road, having a frontage to Stirling Street of 950 links by 855 links frontage on the said road and containing 4 acres, 3 roods, 10 perches which could be advantageously subdivided into about 18 quarter acre buildig allot. ments. The whole of which will, without dubt, becomevry valuable as Building sites shortly, inasmuch as it is in the imme. diate vicinity of what must become the terminus of the Bunbury, B3lackwood, and Kojonup Rlailwav if this particular spot is not selected for this very purpose. Excelleut water is procura le at a depth of 6 or 7 feet. Also Bunbury Town Lot No. 42 with frontage of 250 links on Victoria Street by a depth of 100 links on Eliot Street. 'the above are without exception, themost desirabic lots offering for investment in this locality at tha present time. May be tendered for together or separately. Terms one th;rd cash, and the balance in equal sums at 6 and 12 months bearing bank interest. I or further particulars appl to W.B. MITCHELL, Land Agent, Bunbury. Feb. 19th, 1885. APPLICATION FOIl A SPIRIT MERCHANT'S LICENSE.To To the Worshipful the Justices of the Peace acting in and for the district of Frema. tie, in Western Australia. 1 JOHN JOSEPH HIGHAMI, merchant 1 now residing at Fremantle, in the district of Fremantle, do hereby give notice that it is my intention to apply at the next Licensing Neeting to be holden sort this disricet for a Spirit Merchant's Licence, in the shop which I now occupy in High Street. Given under my hand this 10 day of February, one thousand eight hundred and eighty-five. JOHN JOSEPE HIGHAM. Feb. 11tb, 1885, APPLICATION FOR A GALLON LICENSE. To the Worshipful the Justices of the Peace acting in and for the District of Fremantie in Western Australia. W E, Crowder and Letchford, Jrated Water and Cordial Manufacturers, now residing in b remantle, in the town of Fremantle, do hereby give notice that it is our intention to apply at the nex Licensing Meetiug to be holden for this district for a Giallon License in the Premises we now occupy situatd in Packenham Street, Fremantle, and used by us as an £Erated Water hlanufaotory, and not now Licensed. Given under our hands this 13th day of February, one thousand eight hundred and eighty five. CROWDER & LETCHFORD.