Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 - 1957), Monday 27 August 1934, page 3





Programme for Next Month

Another tom of the Better Farming Train will be conducted next month by the Department of Agriculture and the Railways Commissioners The tour, like several previous tours has been made possible by a generous contribution to the cost from the rural credits fund of the Commonwealth Bank. The train will leave Melbourne on Monday, September 17, and demonstrations will be given at the following centres -

Beechworth -1 tuesday September 18 Cudgewa -Thursday, September 20 Tallangatta -Friday September 21 Huon Saturday September 22

Chiltern -Monday, September 24

Wahgunyah -Tuesday September 28

Goorambat Wednesday September 20 Tungamah -Thursday, September 27 Yarrawonga -Friday, September 28

Typical dairy cattle of the dairy Shorthorn, Jersey, Ayrshire, and Friesian breeds will be carried on the train, together with Large White, Tamworth, and Berkshire pigs, and several prize-winning rams of various breeds Typical lambs of both Down and long-wool crosses will be exhibited Pasture seeds taken from improved pastures in the districts will demonstrate the benefits of top-dressing, the sowing of introduced plants, and the use of improved strains There will also be an exhibit of seeds

In the wheat section modern practices relating to varieties of wheat and oats fertilising, cultivation, and control of diseases will be illustrated New methods of reworking fruit trees will be demonstrated, together with recent experiments on nutrition and manuring Instruction will be given concerning lnterpollination, and the control of orchard pests will also be dealt with