Kadina and Wallaroo Times (SA : 1888 - 1954), Saturday 17 November 1917, page 2

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Since the taking* of the first Nation'

al Service Referendum on the historic 28th of October, 1916, the matter of adequately reinforcing the men who have voluntarily given their services and their lives even, for the cause -of the Empire, has been prominently before the people of the Commonwealth. Hie decision, grave and momentous, was against compulsory military service, and Mr Hughes' proposals were defeated. Checked in this phase of obtaining the necessary men, the Federal Government turned to the other alternative, an extensive recruiting campaign Practically the whole of Australia was mapped out, and recruiting officers and public speakers did their utmost in (the endeagor to induce the requisite 7,000 men per month to enlist under tins system. Right from the start of recruiting there-was asteady, although admittedly inadequate flow of men to the colors, and the required number of 7,000 monthly appeared impossible of attainment As time went on the organisation of the recruiting committees was still further extended, and the eligibles were not only addressed from the public platform but were

visited at their work and in their homes. Every conceivable device and appeal were adopted to persuade the man who is fit to go, to aid in the defence of the Empire jand Australia, but in alarge number of cases the result was negative. According to the promise of Mr Hughes, more string

ent measures could not be taken

without the consent of the people, and this could be gained only - by means of another Referendum. The taking of this also was contingent upon a grave crisis in the pursuance of the war, and the Prime Minister now states that this crisis has arrived, and that the war situation is such as to warrant another appeal to the people. No one can say with truth that the position of the Allies at present is other than at least doubtful, if not worse. Civil war is rampant in Russia, where M. Kerensky is doing his utmost against the extremist section of that vast country and endeavoring to restore law and order where stability and all form of rational government appear to be in abeyance. As a potent factor in the conduct of the war against Prussianism the Muscovite is for the present an undependable quantity. The German fleet has bottled up. all Russian effort by sea, for the winter is close upon Europe and the Russian ports in the Gulf of Finland will shortly be rendered inaccessible by ice. With the existing state of things it is not impossible or improbable that the revolutionaries may neglect to keep the waterways free and open with icebreaker, and if such an event happens the Russian fleet will indeed be in a helpless ~ condition. -It has been said that "anything may happen" in Red Russia, and indeed the situation could scarcely be blacker than it is now. Thus, far, then, Mr Hughes has not exaggerated in stating that the position demands our every effort; but there is worse to come. Taking advantage of the chaos in Russia, where moreover a large number of the Teuton and Russian soldiers have fraternised, the German High Command has removed Division after Division and hurled them with the Austro-Hungarian forces upon the Italians on the Carso Plateau. In conjuntion with the distribution of printed falsehood, a campaign -was initiated that drove the Italians far back towards the Venetion Plains. The Hun forces crossed the rivers Isonzo, Tagliamento, Livenza, I and parts of the Piave, and now threaten Venice and all the adjacent historic cities of the plain. Reports from Teutonic sources allege the capture of nigh upon 280,000 Italians, and though these figures may be taken with caution yet it is true that a very serious reverse has befallen the armies that made such gallant headway under General Cadorna. The captures of months at great sacrifice have had to be relinquished under the pressure of the enemy, and it will

take not only all our efforts to stem i the tide of disaster but all the strength and ingenuity of the Allies and Italy to win back the territory that has' been lost. Not to exaggerate the danger, we may say that Italy's value as a fighting partner is going to be seriously impaired if the tide of battle continues to favor the Germans and Austrians. It is for that reason that the Allies are rushing reinforcements through to Italy with the greatest possible expedition, and we may also infer that the position is serious from the fact that both the Premiers of .Great Britain and France: immediately1 . hastened to the wall that was begin

ning to break under the Teuton blows. In the light of ail these events one can not wonder that Mr Hughes feels that the time has come for Australia to put; forward Jier very utmost in the cause that should be uppermost in the minds of every man and woman of the British Empire. He realises

Australia is unable to put miHionn of men into the field, but he also con-, tends that we cam yet do more than we have done. The whole matter resol res iteelves itself into the question —" Has Voluntaryism failed ? " Here the contentions are pro and con, for there is a section of' the community that emphatically says " No." while on the other hand Mr Hughes is equally, certain that "Yes" is the right answer. To say that Mr Hughes Is absolutely right would not be fair to the thousands of gallant Australians that have joined the great struggle for Liberty and Right, , though if the answer be determined by the quota of men said to be required monthly, then the contention cannot be otherwise than correct. The process of gleaning in the eligible men has proved to-be slow, and in face of the present crisis in Italy Mr Hughes is seeking the consent of the people to hurry matters on. It is felt that Voluntaryism is too tedious to beeffective and,that the fighting strength of our five Divisions must be kept up at all

cost, and as quickly as possible.

Conversely there is. theatgnment that ; Australia, with its meagte population, : has already done its share and that the

citizens of the Commonwealth can be ■

just as helpfal by etiiaalatuig production and aiding in the feeding of the Allies. The responsibility/of deciding which party is right, has now been thrown upon the shonlders of the electors, and the people are to be again asked to determine whether Compulsory National Service shall be introduced into the Commonwealth.

The gravity of the question was deeply? felt a short twelve monthsag-o, and we donbt not but tie mostserious ahd conscientious' consideration will be

given to it between now and the lime of recording the vote as to whether the Voluntary System does not meet the present situation folly enough, or whether Australia has already done

her best.

T. A. Berndt, Goyder Street, Kadina.

Personal.—Mrs H. C- Bundle, of Kadina, returned from Banbury, W.A , per I Katoomba, on Friday, after a five months

holiday. The" last three months were enforced, owing; to the coal strike.

TayiiOB Steeet Methodist Anniversary. —On Sunday Anniversary Services will be held in connection with the Taylor 'Street Methodist Cburcb, the preacher for the day being; the Sev W. Jeffries, of Kent TownMr Jeffries is favourably remembered in connection with his ministry in'this town some few yean ago. Though here, for only _■ a brief term he made many friends. .In connection with Snnday'a services that of tl» afternoon will - be of a special -patriotic nature. On Monday evening Mr Jeffries mil give a lecture on " My trip round the world, and some things I.saw."

Christmas Holidays—At a meeting of the Kadina Traders' Association held on November 14, it was decided to close the Kadina business houses on thefollowing days for Christmas holidays :—Tnesday, December 25 ; Wednesday, December 26 ; Friday, December 28 ; Saturday, December 29 ; Monday, December 31, 1917 i andJSew Year's Day. They wiU remain open till 10 p.m. on Christmas -Eve, and till 9 p m. on Thursday, December 27. A resolution was also carried praying Parliament that the Early Closing Act be amended so as to make the Saturday half-holiday universal,

Eaklt Closing Movement.—A largely attended meeting of Ksdina Shop Assistants, including a gOod number of ladies, and presided over by Mr T. Cook, was

held at Millicau's Cafe, on ThuiBday i evening. A good deal of dUcnssion took place in regard to divisirig ways and means for the retention of Saturday olosiDg in the Moonta Shopping "District. The result was that the. meeting piedsed itself to do. the atmoit in securing a tictory for Saturday closing. The following delegates Were elected to. the Yorke's Peninsula Association, to be in readiness to help in the matter of a petition

Messrs T. Cook, R. P. Birdsey, 6. CronQh, O. Larcombe, T. Andrews,- and Bert, lnglis.

Liberal Union.—A meeting In connection with the Kadina branch of - the Liberal Union was held on Thursday evening, at the military hall, Kadina. Mr T. H. fiodda (president) took the chair over a fair attendance. Various correspondence .was dealt with. The chief-matter that came before the meeting was the formation of a National Liberal Federation, and the . branch adopted the suggestions as outlined. It was resolved that the retiring members for the Midland District, the Hon. D. J. Gordon and the Hon T. Pasooe, be again

nominated. The best thanks of the branch are to be tendered the Hon. E. Lucas for

the staunch support given at all times to the Union. Mr Waleey, the organiser, will be visiting this district, probably next week.

Wallaroo Methodists.—The Church at Wallaroo has recently undergone extensive renovation, which has been done m an artistic manner by Messrs Chandler & Co. Special services to cmnaiemorate the reopening were held on Sunday last, when the Rev E. H. Pemberton, Moonta Mines, preached to large congregations. On Taesday evenine a concert, arranged by the choir master (Mr 8- E. Martin) was held at the church, the Mayor -(Mr T. E. Asbton) presiding over a good attendance/ A first class programme created tbo greatest interest aud was heartily received. The items wereChoir, two choruses and anthem; duet, Mr and Mrs S. B. Martin / tiio, Mesdames WhiaBon, Martin, and Miss V. May; quartette, Messrs Whisson,- Warn, Bowering, and Symons; Bongs, Mrs J. S. Whisson, Mrs C Penaluriok, Miss O. Harman, MiBs B. Hayes, Messrs Whisson, P. Symons, and L." Pearson; recitations, Mrs £. W. Dohnt and Rev R. H. Lee. Special mention was made of the services reddered by the men's working bee, whteh

has done mu<sh in connection with the

renovation, and lessened the cost to the church.

National Banking Crusode.—On Tbtirs

day evening a number of the business men of Kadina met to discuss the question of the possibility of a forward move in banking. Mr J. M. Scott (author of •' The Circulating Sovereign"),. addressed the meeting, and pointed out that 100 years ago the Bank of New South Wales was opened, and'that the meeting that night could be considered as storekeepers and others taking a review of Australian Banking for the past century. There seemed to be something wrong with tbis wonderfnl oontinent, perhaps it was a banking trouble. fho banks owed ns £200.000 000, and we were only getting the nse of abont £10,000,000. He explained the Prussian, the Japanese, and the American systems We wanted something better than any of these. . If we took over these banks now. we would be able to ^mobilise all Anstralia for this war. He had

been told that if we would take this step we would be able to force a successful peace. Owing to a mistake the room arranged for in the military club was not available, and the meeting was held in the Koyal Exchange Hotel. Mr Scott will speak on Sonday

afternoon at the rotunda.

Wallaroo Municipal Elections —It is expected that there will be contests in the various wardB for councillors. The Mayor (Mr T. E. Ashton) has decided to accede to the numerous request to allow himself to be nominated for a further term, and it is confidently expected he will he returned unopposed. . In ..Kortb ward the old and experienced councillor, Mr George Chatfield, who has occupied the seat for over 40 years, is likely to be opposed by a young aspirant in the person of Mr Thoa Devine. Cr Hugh MnAlees will again seek election in South ward, ex-Cr Amos Bickley in West ward,' and the the sitting councillor, Mr. S. Barnes, in Eait ward. So far as can be gathered there will be a contest in West ward, Cr fi. Tonkin again seeking reelection, and a third , candidate is spoken of There is also a probability of a contest in South ward. The retiring auditor,.Mr John HawkeB, will probably be re-elected unopposed. In view of the tact that the Mayor (Mr T. K. Ashton) will be a < candidate, 1je .tendered his resignation as return ins officer. Cr W. G- Hoi ten wai appointed to the position at a special meeting held - on. Thursday n(ght. The

council eat as. a court of Revision, and a number of applications were received for i enrolment. A hitch occurred however, over i one of the applications, and it was decided ] to obtain the opinion of ~ the council's i solicitor, the court adjourning till Friday. ■" |

Electric Xkjht IssrAiLAiioNs.-r-TB6 rSdde&ts of Kadina and anbnrbsiu* informed that Mr." F. Potter, of Hallett-itrMt, hasse

routed the, Ber vices of acompetent -and- la prepared to execrate orders for the above jio^ reasonable dispatch. A fall

stock of lamp* and ail necessary' fittings on


Sale by - Auction.—On Wednesday, November 21. Mr John Symona will, sell on the farm, at Koonoona. about two miles from Moonta, hones, implements, furniture, etc.. -for the proprietor. The sale begins at

1 o'clock sharp- Detailed particulars may'

be j^rned. f»m :fte kdnr^emest in;thlis

issue. r" .

JJentistet. —Thp following dates have bean«et for the visit of Mr W. fl^'ThomaS? the American dentist.for hie next call to the threei towns i—K«dina, "Monday afternoon, Noninberl9ih ; Wallaroo, Wednesday, November 21st; Moonta, Tuesday, November 20th. Clients are courteously asked to make early appointments bo as to ensure speedy-and satisfactory treatment.

Kadina Town Band.—A very cncoesafnl concert in connection with the Kadina Tows Band toot place on Snnday evening last. An excellent program was submitted, the following items being rendered:—March, "St. Elmo"; selection, "Pope and Peasant*'; item, *• The Passing of Bagtime"; selection, •*Creepino"; march. ••Challenger''; ragtime, " Rum, tnth-tum"; selection, " The Smithy . in the Woods"; march, "The Hurricane; *' God Save the Kiae." The' proceeds were In aid of the band funds, and were satisfactory.

Brace's Suits to Measure from 42 A

Wallaroo Mines Effort. —The fund for the widows and orphans of British sailors who have been killed at the war, will benefit to the extent of over £7 by the children's fair, which was held at the residence of Mrs J. Bough, Wallaroo Mines, on Saturday afternoon last Masters Leigh Bough, Manrice Wakelin and Jack. Tella'm, assisted by the Misses Barbara B *rlace and Elvie Wakelin, were responsible for the success of the fair. Good business was done by the various stalls, viz, cake, flowers,

lollie, jumble, and ice cream. ' Afternoon '

tea was also served. The workers in connection with this fair will be. entitled to a war service medal for every 10s raised towards the fund. Mr H. Nancarrow has charge of the land at Wallaroo Mines.

Obituary—The death, of heart failure,' of a very old resident of Kadina, in the' person of Mrs Elizabeth Exelby, took place on Wednesday last, 14th inst. The old lady, who was born at Penzance, Cornwall, in 1831, attained the ripe age of 86 years and was an old colonist of 641year«, - She was the widow of the late Mr John Exelby, of Kadina, and leaves two sons and one daughter.—We also greatly regret having' to record the death of Mr John Moloney, a son of Mr D. Moloney, of Kadina, which occurred after a lengthy illness on Friday morning. The yonng man, who was but 21 yeaas of aire, was well known and liked by & large circle of friends. - He was born at. lCndina., and assisted his father in his business... He Was at one time a member of

the .Light Hoise. "The-greatest 'sympathy^ is extended by all to the bereaved parents. < The interment will take place at the Kadina cemetery at 3.30 p.m. this afternoon.

Brdcefe Suits to Measure from 42/.

Willing to Help.—An energetic committee, nnder the leadership of Miss R.

Sowter and Mr S. Bevilaqua. and having 1

for their motto the words " Willirg to Help," organised a social dance, which was successfully held in the Eadina Town Hall' on Monday evening last, November 12th. The proceeds, which approximated £9, were in aidjrf the Bed Cross Society. The hall had been tastefully decorated for the, occasion, and the gypsy tables-on the stage were also brilliant with masses of shirley poppies, roses and sweet peas. Dancing was commenced early, the M's.C. being i Messrs B Ward,. M. D&rmody, and Roy Boberts, who carried ont their duties efficiently. There were abont 100 perrons present, and the evening proved thoroughly enjoyable. An excellent violin eolo was contributed by Mr E. C. Quintrell (of Wal

laroo), and the Stocker Orchestra provided : much appreciated dance musio. Occasion was taken during the evening to make a,, presentation of a fountain pen to Mr Ernest1; P. He>bert, when Mr Jack Jacob, in a' happy little speech congratulated the young man on his decision in enlisting, and wished him a safe voyage over and a satisfactory career at the front. Mr Herbert replied briefly- The proceedings closed with the National AntEem.

Weather Notes.—For week ending, Tuesday, November 13th. With the exception of light rain and thunderstorms in the far north interior at the beginning and end of week, and light scattered showers, chiefly to the south and south east, near the close, the weather in Sooth Australia daring the period under review, was again fine, with mostly cool to moderate temperatures. The week epentd with an anti-cyclone covering the creator part of aub-tropical Australia, and centred over the bight. "This system, however, gradually drifted eastwards, and was fol

lowed by a widespread depreesiun, chiefly

monBoonal in char'actcr. In this State

rising temper *<nres marked the spproach of the ''low," and by Friday, the weather was warm to hot, the maxim, temperature being 93 degrees at Fowlers Bay. A . wedge of high pressure moving across the

Bight divided the "loy~' into two systems the monsoon retreated northwards and . the southern element moving across to'

Tasmania. The advance of the ••high" brought cooler conditions and southerly^ winds on Saturday, over the settled areas.Tee weather remained fine until Monday, when, under the influence of the mouBoon light rain set in over the far north interior, lower territory, aud north east, and at scattered places elsewhere, chiefly over the southern districts, and at the close of the week, the weather over the pastoral country was Still ui Settled to. rainng.

Brace's Suits to Measure from 4a/.

Mixed Marriages at Olthpkj.—Wal«

laroo, Tuesday 20; Kadina, Wednesday 21 ' "The .Church and the Woman." Should a girl give np the man she loves because of his religion? This is the question with which

the much discussed photo play "The Chnrob ■ and the Woman" deals in an entertaining i manner. This drama was produced by MrJ Raymond Longford with an exceptionally: strong cast, and in Sydney and Adelaide to, phenomenal houses Mr Longford and Miss ; Lyell (the leading lady) recently stated that" during its production Mr Longford parti- 4 cularly requested the Roman Catholic mem":'"1 bers of his company to point out to him,'' with a view to its elimination, any-portion • that was distastefal t6~ their religions principles. As nothing was objected to, the; produoer is satisfied the picture will offend" no one- The plot is most interesting for not" only does it depict the undying love of a" Roman Catholic girl for the man she ad-; mires, but the self-sacrifice of a priest in order to set a man free.. John Shannon has: a eon and daughter; the forma is Father ' Davy Shannon, and hiB sister Eileen is in love with Dr. Burton, a young Protestantdoctor. John Shannon refuses to give his consent to the marriage; but the yonng people meet clandestinely, and .the father, engages Mike. Feeney . as • a ■ detective to watch their movements.-. One evening Eileen leaves the ohnrch and meets her lover. Mike carries the news to his em

ployer, and attempts to-blackmail him.. ,. In a quarrel the old man.-is-killed.■- AUlthp(Hrcnmstantial evidence points to Dt-.Burton as the mnrderer;.who is foond bendingover the body of the-old 'man. The" crime weighs heavily oh Mike's " mind, and he confesses to the priest, who is, unable to i divulge the truth. -.The priest urges Mike.

publjcty toad mi this guilt, bntbed««lu»os : and the pdeSfc/Tsther tha* eee«mfcnnoooiKj 1 man die raa&i .on the scaffold ^83 declares ■ he killed iie'owhfather l>r. Barton-is t&J i leased, and he7«ventoalIy discovers Eileettg i who has feeenicept a fpri^oner by; Mike |ii>i; can se she. overheardbiB j the priest.; ^ In a "thKHtng scene . ecues his fiancee, arid" they arermaraed'by father Shannon, but at tbe back of the" altar. Another fine subject a BlueBirti Star entitled "If my Country Should Call"' is on thiB programme, "and this is the most expensive of the big range of tpecials lately screened by. Olympic, therefore no free list':

is announced. Mr Holland annonnces that, he has secured the- eole-control of " The Church arid."the" Woman," and, not being

exhibited on a percentage. ba^ie, the price* ; willbe as-nsual, Is Gland Is. Doom open' at 7.16 p.m.. . . .