Hobart Town Gazette and Van Diemen's Land Advertiser (Tas. : 1821 - 1825), Friday 7 May 1824, page 2

Hobart Town Gazette


Sit. Magistrate—Rev. R. Knopwood, M. A. Price of Bread { Fine Loaf, of 2 lbs .....5d.

{ Wheaten, ......... 4d.

SHIP NEWS.—Arrived this morning from Dublin, which she left the 13th of November, the ship Ardent, Captain H. Clements, having on board 55 passen-gers. The Ardent touched at Madeira and Rio on her passage.

The brig Jupiter, Captain Thompson, sailed on Tuesday last for Port Jackson. The colonial schooner Liberty, which made her first trip yesterday with about 1000 bushels (half a cargo) of wheat from Pitt Water, will sail in a few days

for Port Dalrymple.

On Sunday, the ship Heroine, Captain Ostler, will sail for the Isle of France, on her return to England, on which pas-sage she will also touch at the Cape of Good Hope.

The brig Amity, Captain McMeckan, will proceed to Sydney in the course of next week.

Remain in the harbour, the ships Ar-dent, Hope and Heroine ; and the brig Amity.

This day the oaths of office were ad-ministered to the Honourable Chief Justice PEDDER at Government House, by His HONOR the LIEUTENANT GO-VERNOR, preparatory to the opening of the Supreme Court on the 10th inst.

The ship Ardent, which is the first vessel that has ever brought passengers from Ireland, to Van Diemen's Land, does not we understand proceed to Port Jackson, to which place only five of the passengers are destined.

The ships Adrian and Providence may be now daily looked for in our port. —The ship Prince Regent, with mer-chandize and passengers from England, may be also expected here shortly, let-ters having been received in Hobart Town to that effect.

It is expected, we understand, that join other larger vessels in the picaCfll whaling season off our coast.

We understand that several females

in this Colony have lately received a number of presents from that benevolent and pious lady, Mrs. Prior, whose hu-mane and christian services towards the unfortunate female sex in England are too well known to require any praise

from us.

A short time ago, a fine spring of water, of the purest and very best de-scription, was found on the farm of Cap-tain Allison, at Sandy Bay, within a few yards of the salt water. The well was only dug about 12 feet deep, by 4 ½ broad, and there is constantly 6 feet of

water in it.


Roderic O'Connor, Esq. (owner), Masters Arthur and William O'Connor, the Rev. Samuel Goate, Roman Catholic Clergyman, Mr. Wm. Bryan, Mrs. Jane Bryan, Captain Henry Glover, Mrs. Glover, Misses Anne

and Eliza Glover, Masters Edward and

Henry Glover, and an infant boy, Mr. Hen-ry White, Mr. Jerimiah Hatch, Mr. Francis Hines, Mrs. Chambers, Mr. and Mrs. Fred. Manning, and three Masters Manning, Mr. and Mrs. James George Parker, and two children, (one of whom was born on the pas-sage, and named after the vessel), Mr. Hamilton Wallace, Mr. Francis Johnson, and Mr. Joseph Barbossa.

Steerage.—Mr. Patrick Kane and son, Mr. Charles Farrell and son, Mr. H. Martin, Mr. James Mountgarrett, Mr. J. Wright, Mr. & Mrs. Laughlin Reynolds, Mr. Thos. Dunn, Mr. William Tisdal, Mr. John Cuff, Mr. John Day and two sons, and several others.

DIED—On the 27th of April last, William, the infant son of JOHN BAYLES, Esq.—Also on Saturday last, the 1st of May, after a voyage from England of great suffering and privation, on board the Heroine, HESTER, the wife of JOHN BAYLES, Esq. late of Lart-ington, Yorkshire, and of Temple-bar, Lon-don, the fourth Daughter of the late JOHN SLADE, Esq. of Lavington, Wiltshire, and of Hillsboro', Ireland, J. P. and Receiver General of the County, of Down, in the 36th year of her age, much beloved and respect-ed, leaving her disconsolate husband and

three children to lament her loss.