Record (Emerald Hill, Vic. : 1881 - 1954), Friday 5 May 1882, page 3




It is rather early to speak of any settled winter fashions, but tliore are many materials and styles of dress allowing in the shop windows that will carry us well into the coining season. It is so far certain that rich silks, mostly watered or brocaded, as well as moire silks on which brocades are thrown, will be very fashionable, and that rich, deep colors will be most generally adopted. Plush, combined with satin, {is employed in making the handsomest costumes, and it will also be much worn in the shape of mantles and fichus. Chenille tics and scarves of every colour and hue are greatly favoured.

Dresses ars principally made with jackot bodices. Paniers, if well made and not too bunchy, add considerably to the style of a short dress, provided the wearers have slim figures. The skirts are made sufficiently wide to stand out well at the back, and ornamented with large bows, which gives a very stylish appearance to tho ponffi.

The Newmarket coats will bo found very useful wear, and there is hardly any stylo of out-door mantle more suitable for good figures than a stamped velvet Newmarket co-it, with handsome buttons. Occasionally they are bordered with fur, but more often the}* are ip:ito plain. The " Evelyn " and " Robsart" are also quite new, and they will find many

who will zive thorn tho nreferenco.

The Prmcesse shape in bonnets still takes the lead, and it is not t<> be wondered at, as it is becoming as it is comfortable. The fashionable feather bonnets require littlo trimming, bnt chips and straws are generally much trimmed with flowers and feathers. Mado bonnets are composed principally of plush and velvet, the crowns of which are frequently elaborately worked with beads.

Velvet hats, in all shapes, fully trimmed with feathers, are very handsome. \Vo have noticed a few jockey-caps of the s?,me rich material, with birds' wings fastened in the front.

Black and cream-colored dresses are most universally seen in ball-rooms, but rubycolored tulle and velvet, biscuit-colored tullo and satin, for very dark|gieen, are fashionablo; these are seen without any lace or flowers to relieve them.

Shrimp-pink, with white, is one of the happiest and latest combinations, and lemon-color, with wliito, is another well-worn mixture. Matrons affect caps made entirely of flowers, like a wreath, but hiding the top of the head.

Diamond-shaped devices on stockings aro newer than any other and for evenings these are carried out in beads. j