Kapunda Herald (SA : 1878 - 1951), Friday 4 November 1910, page 5

"The fatal Wedding"

Turning . away would-be patrons ioni. aji eiRertainmcnt does, mot happen often in ^tap.unda, but that was the position of the Phillip iytton Company on Saturday. night, ^wbem, ■ by arrangement with Meynell and Clarke, 4hey; staged 'The Fatal Wedding" at the institute. Popular prices . were charged, and not, a seat was left unoccupied. It ■was a strong argument., for the extension .pf the hall. Fhe[day revoived around a plot, which was tor a time successful, to separate Howard Wilson, "a '-wealthy clubman," from Ms -wile. Robert Curtis,x "a man abbut town," is the arch schemer, and -bis partner^ in crime is t-'ora Williams, whose anil is to marry Wilson and secure Us money, portion of which has to be psaSd to Curtis for his share in "the scheme. The company is a strong one, and the thrilling- situations in which the {day abounds wens well presented. There was scarcely a weaV point, and the whole ' drama went vith a good swing. Owing to the.Lateness of- the tout <two or three of the closing scenes were omitted, but 'the grand Gn&le, with the shooting of the vilfiaos - and the restoration ' to her rights of the injured wife, sent the -Trowd^home contented and. happy.. -All the leading characters -were strong, and the interest in the unfoKJsmg ° of the scheme was never allowed to flag. As the husband, Mr. George Treloar was capital. H« threw the requisite

amount of sentiment into tic das

covery of his long lost children in a' New -York tenement, and bote up manfully in the . awful disclosures at the finish. Mr. - Raymond Longford made a splendid villian, and he _-was .wellbacked up -in hip ''dirty work" by Misb Simonds, whose end -was tragic in the extreme. Miss laot'tae Lyoli was the . m'ueh-wronged wife, and her pitiful position, truly portrayed, evoked the full sympathy of the audience.

Wholesome fun and plenty .of it, together with, devoted service through i hick and thin, was provided by, Bridget, "the lady cook" (IGss Helen; Fergus) and Toto, "Drench butter'^, (Mr. A. Rockley). They won round after round of applause, and laughter. Other characters :werefc—Peter Schwartz, "janitor" (Mr. C. Hayward)," who had chp.-gc of the . tenement Wbea Mrs. Wilson was on the point of starving; O'Reilly, "one. of the finest" (Mr: 'Eric Wheeler), who stoutly refused- to arrest Mis. Wilson's little girl on a charge of stealing tramped op * by the two plotters?-the EeV. Dr.Laitceford (Mr. Hugh Palconbridge); and Jessie,- "the little mother" ,(SDss Elsie Rennie), who played with, an arch* Tiess that quite captivated the house. In the third act the "Tin Can Band" was introduced, and Jessie's tenement friends, in charge of .Peter Schwarta, created <tuite a sensation, as much by the novelty of their various dresses as by the noise they made. The princi

pal were Maggie Richardson; Storm. Keats," OHv Vaughan, -and Rt>sie Hart. They gave.a vaudeville turn with ballads and serioi-comics, and a dash of step dancing. This was the first ap1 pearance in South Australia of the Phillip Lytton Company, and for artistic merit they should receive good support through their tour.