Evening News (Sydney, NSW : 1869 - 1931), Tuesday 14 January 1879, page 3

The Iserbrook Affair.

The Iserbrook still lies in Darling Harbour, a halfsubmerged coffin for her captain. Nothing further, has been done to raise the vessel, and set at rest the question of his lamentable, if not suspicious, death. Indeed, it is probable she will remain in her present position till the Government moves in the matter, for both her owner and the insurance agent appear to be insensible of the scandal they are a party to. The delay appears to have been occasioned by a dispute between

Captain Lake, the owner, and the insurance agents, as to whose duty it is to raise her and there does not appear to have been much inclination to settle it. On the 21st December Captain Lake. Insured the vessel in the Office for £1000, and he says he has now abandoned all claim to her, as she was insured and forms part of the insurance company's salvage. The insurance company for some reason refuse to take possession or have her raised. The city coroner has been appealed to, and he is of opinion that he could not order the vessel to be raised at the expense of the Government. The question therefore remains, who is to raise her? It is urged that the only person who has legal power to deal with the matter is the Marine Board, who have statutory power for the due management of the marine affairs of the port. The general opinion is that something ought to be done by the Government, and the expense charged to the vessel. Eetdrn Picnic to Mb. L/izab.— Mr. SamuelLazar,les-e«ot the Royal andQueea'n Theatres, was entertained, yesterday., at a return pippic by h|« thentrioal fprpi.'- TVo steamers, oontftinl^g the.eicunionlsts, left the Ctroulat Quay for Cloniarf, »bouVU o'olopk, aud the party safely dlaembarkad, »nd betook them' Belvea to vnrious kind* of sports. A large number »f -the personal friends of Mr. Lazar, not connected with the theatre, were among -the party, ' A capital luncheon , .was prepared, to whjoh about 200 ladies ' and gentlemen sat down. ?Mr-.B. N. Jbnei, stags inank«e^, praiideil, . having on hii right th« guutof the day, whoso health, ?reposed by the ohalrman, was tiaaffed with «vory ?mart rf Meard. Mr. Jiasw tn»(li P»S '-f fcf» ?n?Bj Jf^«'ti -Imf jflttar »p»ePhf* in rwborJB, ;Theio*rt oj ' Ttip Dram* ' «w prqpoied V Mr. Q*m WPOanan, who iqade a good speech, couiiling with the toast the aameoftbataooompllshedaotar, Mr.SamEmery. Mr. Kmery responded Jn a short and Bfit PP@ech.; Various otter toasts, including 'The PfCBs' wars' proppsed and respqnded to. apd the oombanr after-: wards returned to the subject of sport, ana spenj tbe day in the most aereeable manner, returning to. SydnBy abDUtTo'elock. ' '.'?' ] Mr. Jnles Jonbert li a pacsentrer by tbe inOomlsg anoiWalboM. : ?? ,.;,.,-?? ??!!-. ..;':. v, , . A lad ttpthoji Bmtr CikriMJ feet M« deatli^tn the Quirindi rnoecourse.on New Year's Day, through cominto collision with a tree which projects over a part of the running groBad.