Daily Herald (Adelaide, SA : 1910 - 1924), Friday 10 June 1921, page 8





p. Mitcliam . „ - . • fi North A. Ramblers . 5 Gaza 4 Abattoirs . - . • „ 4 Islington United • 4 Walkcrville .... 4

W. L. For Ag5t. Ptfi

5 — 437 65 10 3 2 2W 220 6 2 2 157 175 4 2 2 S5 183 4 1 3 97 213 2 — 4 85 222 —

Oii'y two matches were played last

| Saturday. VValkcrvil'e met Mitcham on , | \.he Hawthorn Ova], resulting In another

I win for the latter. WalkiTville are im- I

proving rapidly, and arc fu'.iy confident of drawing their first blood very soon. The final scores were:—Mitciiam, 12.16;

Walkerville. 4.-1.

A very ciose and exciting jrama iras witnessed at Gaza between Ciaza and North Adelaide Ramblers. Cleaa football was the order of the day. The fir?; half 6aw the piny very even, whilst i» the third quarter the Gazas were in the ascendancy. However, in -;.hc last quarter. North Adelaide rallied and snatched the rffetoty from their opponents on thu stroke of time l).y scoring a goal as the bell rang. The final scores were:—2fortb Adelaide Ramblers, 6.8; Gaza, 6.5.

A match -was played at the Adelaide Ova', on Monday between the North Adelaide district Association" and the jEast Torreus Association, under Umpire B. S Crowther. The climatic conditions did not promise good football, but nevertheless the game got very fast at

North Adelaide (wnimenced with only 17 men, but were joined by another player lit half-time. The scores were .very even all through the match. The play kept even in tb<? first quarter, and the Norths had most of the piny in the second qnarter, bar scemtd unable to gain much of 5i) adva'jtMge i.i scoring, as they werf only 5 points uheid of taeir opponents 0'. half-time. The third quar.er was tnir'ij- even, and Torrons made a "d:j effort in tin? last, but could only get wiriiic a point of their" opponents. The last fe.v miniums wc-rc very exciting and the

6ccrcs at :ne be!l were-:—

Xortii Adelaide District, 2 goals 9 ic

i binds.

[ liast Torrens—2 goals 8 behinds.

<xo:dkjrkers.—Winners — C:>noV And Grtaly. Losers—Noble (2). Best players. —Both teams pUyed well considering llie nderueiK-y of tlie weather.

Abat*o:rs v. "Walkernlle, AValkerville grounds. L'mpvne, llr. C. D. Bhih. Abattoirs Keam—fr. Thompson <captain

k. Hayter. A. "Bartholomew. O. Ween, t. Hayter. K~ .HatWy, H. Stock. H. Hayter, (J. "VVr gK. B. Pofprs. H. MnCauley, AI. '.;aha;sn, \V. 'J'homp=on. J. C.iliataTi. A. \\ J Morgan. <'. B. TotnT-fe'.n?, J.. B. 'inminoiiii. hsiir-ry^ncies—W. icrv, ir.rres'a.!. ti. iMi;:.

isiir.5t.oi': Lur.-c.i v. (Jay.a. mi Islinrtr-n I. nr.c-J grounds. < thi In*.ii H.trji toji! '.T.>';a • IlotvO. Ciiipirt. Mr. M
