Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 - 1957), Wednesday 27 March 1907, page 4



The twenty-fourth annual meeting of the Fitz-roy Football Club was held in the Fitzroy Town Hall last evening. The president (Senator Best) occupied the chair, and the hall was filled with

members. The annual report, vnteii vu pn i acnted. to the meet I mr. nhoA-vd that the team had! done remarkably well lau H-MOD. althouRh the j Pirmfonhlp wa* «Tr«tet1 from them. Mr. K. Jin I kin«, who mi cho«cn captain it the commence-j ment »I the *ra»on, had bandi eil bli men in a ' very efficient manner. It tra*. t*o l>e regretted that

Mr. 1'crcv Trotter had taken up hi« residence in I bydney, at Id» abvnr* trott, the ftcM durlns tbe comlntr teataon trmild be felt by all club«. Meiari Geoff. Moriarty and Herald Brosnan wee alto r*

tlrlntr from tïie Arl*.. Tlie mmt*rr4.lp roll reached ï»>*>, including Snanrial (¿1SS) and com-plimentary number*. The *ocUt »Id« of foot bil I md been well maintained by Kitrrov, und a viilt had abo been paid to Ti «man I a. The committee roted *Ith ntwactlon that the flr«t Aurt raia »ian V\>>Mball CJUXH li lud IKrti launched, and they conildcTcd it the n>o«t notable ertnt In the hUtorr of the rame. The fliwiut». oí the club «ire in a «atiTKl mnditlon, «ml Ote balance, ¿Ili'tf-'V .hovred an improvement en tlut oí the |tm1utu


The Chairman moved the adoption of the report and balance-sheet which was seconded by Mr. J. W. Billham, M.L.A.., and carried unanimously.

Messrs. F. Atkin (vice-president), W. Naismith, and H. Milne were given long service testimonials,

Messrs. L Millis, T. Beecham, and W. Walker trophies for most consistent play; E. Kneen, best player; and Messrs. E. Jenkins (captain), P. Des- crimes (treasurer) life membership certificates.

l-xenator It«"»t »at elrttrd «pn*» l,nt, VfiM. Rani« and HIcW\ «Mttntr« t« t*e Wrtorun Vootbatl l«*»cur. and Mr. i\ M Hiela', hen. fe>«rretan

The nirctinc »>?* l*r« *ht lo * cÄi.chuion uith a

mutlcal protsratTme, und« »le direction cf Mr. i

l*ird, l>sn:alnr.