Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 - 1957), Wednesday 10 July 1901, page 8


The annual football match between these colleges waa played jesterday, on the University ground, and resulted in a win for Ormo'id by G goals lit bbhluds to 4 goals 10 behind*-; Nie game was witnessed by a large and cnU.u_.laiUio number of spectators. Ihe U»t platen, fjr Ormond were M'f-wen (captain), Ross, Waters, Richards .Dougall, and .lam«.; and lor ' ty» Graham (captain), Lewers, M'Swiney, Langlej, mid Hen-nessy. The goals were kicked by Janies (3), Ros.-*., and Seit», for Ormond, and Lcwre, Langley, Cain, and licnnessy, for Trinity. Tlie Ormond team wore black bands on their arms out of rcbpect to the memory of Lieutenant Stanley Reid, their former captain, wlioso-death has been reported from bout h
