Daily Herald (Adelaide, SA : 1910 - 1924), Saturday 28 November 1914, page 3




By Presto

In local musical matters there is no-

thing of particular interest to record this week. In the eastern States there is

practically nothing of importance doing. General depression has interfered with the intentions of concert-givers, who are usually busy towards the end o£ the sea


A Clever Violinist.

Gregory Ivanoff, the young Russian violinist and conductor who is appearing at Austral Gardens, should become popu-lar with local music-lovers. He has the rare quality of being able to infuse ori-ginality into his renderings. His educa-tion, derived from Russian schools, has been excellent and thorough, and he has been attached to the orchestra of the Life Guards as conductor and soloist. In this capacity he appeared before the Csar and family. Chatting last week, M. Ivanoff mentioned that the orchestra of the Guards was 200 strong This symphony band took the place of a regi-mental military band. M. Ivanoff will interpret many gems of his country's masters of violin music during his sea-

son here.


The patriotic song "Ready," the words and music of which are by Dr. Arthur Goode, of Terowie, possesses no particu-lar quality of appeal. The words have but jittie interest, the three verses and chorus being but commonplace rhymes. The music is tuneful and simple, the writing being in the form of a jingling march. Like the words, it possesses

little interest. The song is published by Messrs. Cawthorne & Co., who have cour-teously forwarded a copy for review.

Berlin or Paris ?

The respective merits and demerits of Berlin and Paris as music centres were discussed by Mr. Arthur Hartmann in a pre-war issue of the "Musician.

These are interesting in view of the great upheaval in Europe, an up-heaval which must of necessity influence musical art on the Continent. "Paris is not only as great as a music

centre but is a greater art centre.' wrote Mr. Kartmatui- "The history, the streets, the monuments, public buildings, and the great men of Paris, are, coUtserilvejy, a grea/ter education'than what 3>erlin affords- First, the streets of Pans are named after the - great scientists, authors, poets, composers, inventors, doc•tars, and philaaitihropists of the world. This is, in itself, an education, ,if tae reader is -ready iDo concede that' one 'ought not merely have the uses, advantages, and privileges cf a great city, (without being a part of it and vitally interested- To reiterate, every street, monument, &c., relates 4o some epoch-making man or event, and the thorough acquaintance witb these names, as well as the knowledge of the authors who inspired or created -these soulstirring changes in governments and people, &c., leads the student into history, the sciences, the arts, medicine, and civil government. Paris is -nothing if not ideal, and the artistic mind is worshipped alike by the concierge and man of culture- Some years ago the cdty was lighted by electricity; but it was voted 'bo abandon, this, for the people found the softer tone of gas light more sympathetic. *We 6haU have all the light we need but it must iiot be garish.' they argued- Thus again, while being Jwactieal, they remained artistic. Nor is a telegraph pole to be seen in all P&rds

The Thrifty French.

"Another widespread exaggeration which I should like to refute is the socalled squandering and debauch of the

Frenchman- The French are "the most thrifty people on earth! I fully realise that this statement may ca.use hilarity among some readers who have, the tourist's impression of Paris. Nevertheless, it remains -a fact that nothing is wasted. Beginning with the wrapping paper and cord from packages brought into the house, everything is carefully preserved, and the strictest economy in all details is constantly practised. Climate originally compelled man to eeek shelter— thus was architecture born- Climate, is furthermore responsible for the melancholy of the Norsemen and for the charm of the southern races. The sun shines on France, therefore she is gay and laughs; but between gaiety and frivolity 5s tbe chute into "which the foreigners, the tourists, and ■ pleasureseekers fallAnd these are responsible for snaking of Paris a place <af debauch, frivolity, and extravagance. Renrains the question, Why do students flock to Berlin? From tbe economic -rietapoint Berlin offers nothing that Paris does not duplicateWhile it may be a question of personal itaste, , the present writer's experience (and they are those of a thorough globetrotter) decide in favor of the" French culinary art. One can. live in Paris for just -as little, or as much, as one is inclined to spend- It is a "well-established fact that at any of the restaurants of the students' quarters, at Jlontmartre or on the Hasp ail, one gets a better plate ol soup for -four cents than what can be had for 10 -cents in any part of Germany. The question whether Berlin offers less temptation than Paris, may be posed by some. Without going into gruesome details it may be accepted to-day {for it is generally conceded) that New York or Chicago does not fall behind any of the European centres in alluring folly. Therefore, Paris is neither better nor worse than the great German capital, and for the student decidedly more stimulating because France, the modern France, the vital, energetic, brilliant France, is not steeped in alcoholism as is Germany. The quantity of thin red wine (invariably diluted with _ water) consumed by " tbe Frenchman is as nothing compared with the gallons of beer on which the German bases his diurnal existence. The absinthe drinker in Paris is at least as rare as the water drinker in Germany. The cafe life of Berlin—that living morgue of young men's hopes, that vampire of ideals Vigor, and aspiration—is what draws students into camaraderie" and regrets Tn Paris the cafes exist, but the student life is not round them nor in them.

Further Superiority.

"In the quality of tbe concerts Paris affords, Mr. Hartmann proceeds, "it stands on the same plane as Berlin. Why should you have it otherwise? The iu-ench race is a highly cultivated and musically educated one, and, as a matter ot fact, the culture of Paris is far more ancient than that of Berlin. It may be apropos here to remark that the reason for the excellent musicianship of the French is that every music student is thoroughly trained in solfeggio anil rhythm and "absolute pitch" is so common that it may be called a national accomplishment. Is it that Berlin boasts of greater men? This may be important. Let us compare. In juxtaposition to Strauss we have Debussy, unquestionably the greatest revolutionary since -.Vagner's days. Opposite men like Humperdinck, Kaun

wu ve .D'lndy> U"k.as, fiavei an(J others. 1 here is no one in Germany to compare -mth the great vocal artiste living in Pans, such as the Celleszkes, Bouhy, bbngha, Journez, Pavla Frisch, and others

Oi pianists living in Berlin to-day there looms out one name—Susoni—and he is

soon to leave. Paris has Philip,pe, ^oszkowski, Eiglei, Bauer, and outers! The achievements and records, as soloists god teacners, of violinists resident in Pans, Majsick, Tmbaud, Enesco, Geloso B Ambroisio, Kemy, Bachmann, Capet! Hayot, &c., would certainly oomnare i favorably with those of . Berlin, Willy I Hess, tiesch, Spiering, Serato, Maiteau, Press, Barmas Joachim, with a record of approximately 50 years of teachine never turned out a violinist whom the world has considered great; whereas the violinists to whom the world, for the last quarter century, has paid tribute Wiemawski, Sarasate, Sauret Ysave Thomson, H-ubay, and their disciples have all been moulded in Paris The Frenchman is averse to advertising! Ihose haunts, where the most delicious itbits or where the most exqiiisii? treasures ol aatique art can be had for a mew twopence must be ferreted out; likewise the abodes where the great men nve and work must be sought with Uo,-tlejS The French take the attitude that <true greatness is its own passport and needs no other recommenda

?Fdt the 'ruth Of this is SO palpable that nowhere is talent more appre

ciated and encouraged.

men smoke for the sole purpose of burning "their money.

If a bachelor has an opinion, of his own he should aoaex a wife