Land (Sydney, NSW : 1911 - 1954), Friday 27 May 1932, page 14


Horderns' Romance of


The Bridge Commemoration number of the "Hordernian Monthly," issued by Anthony Hordern and Sons, Ltd., is almost a history of Sydney, so long has the name of Hordern been associated with the. business life of the city.

Before commencing the account of the establishment of the present busi-ness, the volume mentions how the first Anthony Hordern and his wife set

up in business; in 1823, he as a coach

builder and she as a milliner and dra-

per, when Sydney was a town of 15,000 people. Though the original Horderns later removed to Melbourne, their sons returned to Sydney; establishing the present business on its present site in 1844. The name of the firm was then L. and A. Hordern.

The volume, which is splendidly il-lustrated, describes how the firm out- grew its premises, and goes on the record the removal to Haymarket, the disastrous fire, the re-opening of busi-ness in the Exhibition Building while the ruins were still, burning, the trium-phal return to rebuilt premises. The removal to the present huge premises on the firms original site, and the sub-sequent continuous growth of business up to the present time are fully de-scribed, and much interesting informal tion regarding the present activities, of the firm is given.

Altogether this is a bright, attractive, and informative publication.