Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 - 1957), Wednesday 10 August 1904, page 8


HORSHAM, Tuesday.—Mr. A. Geue, of Wartook, had a lively encounter with an emu the other day. He was engaged in erecting a fence in a scrubby part of his land, when a large emu came close to him. A sheep dog attacked the bird, but was soon rendered hors de combat. The emu then attacked Mr. Geue, who experienced great difficulty in driving it off.

ANDERSON'S CREEK.—Robert Wilson, who was remanded for stealing from the premises of Mr. Stiggants, was, at the Court of Petty Sessions on Monday, sen-tenced to six months' imprisonment, with hard labour.—A public meeting of the rate-payers of the Warrandyte Riding, shire of Templestowe, was held on Moday night re-specting the proposed work on the Mel-

bourne Hill. If Government assistance could be obtained a deviation road was con-sidered to be cheaper and more beneficial as then both the Deep Creek and Melbourne hills could be avoided.—The settlement with the private property owners is now nearly completed, and the proposed electric scheme, in which the Evelyn tunnel on the

Yarra, at the Pound Bend, will be utilised, will shortly be promulgated.

H \lRNi-D VU - Yt the Couit ot Pott) ".essions at Lindenow Ji-t wcel, lhomis Killinid proceeded igiinst Henrj Aloinson Iori legil detention of tinco cows md tin ce yeirhng- tlucd nt £23/)/ Hie eoniphin ano dunned the tittie ninth bore, lu« brands md silted tint thej ii id bctn stolen fiom lum some time ne,o Dctendint stated th it lit hid bought them ar, the v nd lof Messrs Al Lern and Co and pioduced

th hilo note Iht Btnch mndc in oidei for Hit deinen oí the cattle to Killi nil oi of then \ due ¿2/17/ tosts btint, allowed It is prohibió tint fin thor steps will be talen lix Air Morrison mil cfloits xxiii be mide to trice the mimili biel to the oiiLjinii sellci -Ali ] nsinus lxxentj min late sceietii) to Hie Bninsdilc Shut died it Ins ici-idciice JVincis slrctl Banns dale on Aloud ix Ali ixxeiitviiim vxxs i nitixe of lumbcilmd, J ne,luni md cime to Aiclom m I8,i8 11 leivcs i xiuloxx mil two thughter- His leiiuin u ill be inteired in tlie Melbourne teme


C YAU*J RDOW N -J he Koloi i ion! dis pu e hi- le ulled iinilitv Rccentlv Ali

Cimeion Alinistci of I'libbc A\oil s visitel Cnmpetdoxxn ind held ni inqnirx into the nnttci ind Mibsequeiitlx upheld the iclion of the IfniuiKlen Shire Council in decidme, to take the 1 ind fom icrc- from Air \v Afatth"iifi On Alonihy the council it,recd lo gixe the owner i.400 foi the giound the monej lo be i thirc.c on the gcnenl fund

CPsAN HOURN I -\t Sitnrdix s council meeting it x is decide 1 to înnlginntc the ofhtcs oi rite collectoi smitari in ptctor tollec or of dog fee h s le nid fuiye in syicceoi md itgisttar of dunes md tint

lilt ofhtcs oi dei! ot xxoil- ml is latani, euctirx ho i Idcd to \ppbcit on- ire to he cilltd tor next ineetin,, lol such (lutte it asxlni ofil7i pei innuin Yu leiimonioits discii-ion txentuited, ind tie motion was tuned In hxexoe to tin et

COWES.- The Phillip Island chicory crops havt been neitlv all hu vested ind the \icld though gool und in sonic in stinces aboxe the ix erige will not come up to expeditions Hie high puce which pie viiled last xen induced the gi on eis to put i laiger irea tinder ciop thin has evei been done before but owing to idveise causes tht totil xield is estimated to be veij little aheid of list season s ci op

CLUM *" - Strong objection is being mide to the intended abolition of the

Clunes Licensing Court, bj which ill been

ing business will hive to be ti in acted in [Creswicl A\ lth the exception of the innual visit of three police migistntcs to the town it is asserted tint no sivnig what ever will accrue fiom the chingo whilst the people dnectl) concerned ot whom there is i eonsidenble number, will be gleit]), lntonxenienced

HORSH-VAI-<Y communication has been receixed by the Horsham Agncultunl and Pastonl Socielj fiom the Alinjip societj, slating tint the South Austmlinn iimnufac turer- of fal ming machiner) bnxe been vvntten to isl ing them to exhibit at tins jeal s Wnumcri district shows The Horsham soeietv wasisked if itappioxedof the proposal to take simdai action, and it was agreed to do so It was also decided to hold a meeting of fnrmers to foi m a branch of the Tirmeis' Union nt ïïoisbsm Hie soeiet) gnnted its support and pallon agc to the I\oiang bnneli of the Australian

JNatixcs' Association in the moxcnicnt to hold n monster wheat competition in Teh

ruir), 1905

IIOPEIOUY-the various Government reserves in the district are badlx infe-ted with nbbils which aie causing grell lnvoo to tlie neighbouung crops The local ici min board is poweiless to do am thing in le gard to these leset vos-A numbei ot nexx settlers lnxe taken np Alnllee land in the neighbourhood of Minapie and Woomelang Hld the) are now bnsj lolling doxxn mallee vxilh the intention of putting a In ige atea under crop nc\t veat Theie is u good de inand at present for mallee land

KORUAIBURRA - \ sex on veil old son of Mi Bonis wis sexeielx scalded about

the legs on J ticsd1!), by pulling; ov er a 1 ettie filled with boiling watei winch was stand ing at the side of the Juc

L\RY -The Rex C G Biazicr BA (liinityCollege) who his «¡centlx acted as emile at All "-lints Lasl St Kilda wis ?.ostcidav appointed bx the Bishop of Alel bourne to the paiochial clnrgc of Lila

AIUR10A-Hie pistols and teachers of the Kx angelic ii Luthenn Con«oidia Sx nod (Rex Piofessoi C 1 Gi aebner president) met in confeience here list neck The chief object was lo piomote the xxelnie of the paiochial schools, winch the s)iiod miintnina at its own expense in oidei to gue the joung a thotough icligious; train ing The sjnod îegards this as a solemn dut) of the piients and of the church, but in no wise incumbent on the stale At present tin» svnod lins J3 pirochul schools in diffeient puits of the stnte

MERINO -VI the police "court on Iii dix befoie Messt s Inscoe and Ruigess IP's, a icspecfnbl) diessed xxomnn named Aim Grint, was thaigcd vxith offensive bclnxiom md hinginge During the heir ing of the eise the woman was lepeitcdlv cautioned bx the Bench foi interrupting the witnesses the scene at times being a livel) one A fine of £5 vxns imposed On Tnd îy night the xxoinm was igain nucsted foi diunkeniiess and Constable Mills received 11 rather severe luindling in locking lier


AL\R1B0R0LGH - Constables "Uie l mnon and Hogm on luosdij tr rested i man named .Samuel Cnrljon n ho has been employed at one of the distnct mines foi severil dn& pa t ou a chai gc of foi ging the name oi T P Brien grn7ier to tyio cheques for £2 nnd -C1 ic spectnclj itWigindan neal \\ nngiraltn on Scptemboi "I lnst The accused m ill be lemnnded to Wangiratta -

ALVLDO\ -Nominitions foi the c\tnoi

dman yacincv in the Mnldon Shire Council cnuscd bv the deith of the Inte Ali W B Gi iy At L C closed on I*iicsday Tbc era didntc» nominilcd nore -Ali lohn Soinei

luetioncci ive and Air John Paull, dnpci

"MIRIAC SOUTH-\ numbei of the uncmploicd urn ed here on iMondny fiom Alclbourne 1 hey ate ibout to eleni ind form the siincjed io id to the 1 uinipi the rond commences it Shady Creel m heio it brmches off from the mnin roid lo Nee rim 1 ist Ïhi3 Morl« mil open the In ti obe bridge foi tnflic and bring the 1 u minn Mithin 10 miles of the "Neciiin South tonnship

j\ AC! ÎAIBIP -Sergeant majoi 1 ii lor ind

lieutenant Brisbane yuited Aigmibtc on Alondnj for the purpose of snelling ni ic ennis for the Vustrilnn Light Hoise Com piny being formed at Nagambie 3 lei cn yiere pis ed ni and the leinaindcr mil be snorn in nt tbp first pirade

OUT TRI Ar-The pienlence of diph 1 liena in an epidemic foi m Ins bid to be notified to the Board of Public Health

POllTL VND -At the Com t of Pelt j Ses sion? on Sitnrday Air Read Alurphi

P Al presiding Hie Portlmd Borough Council m is lined £2 foi not tnl ing

leasonablc steps to de»troj i ibbits on the common-lhc Righetti medils (pie sen toil bj Captain Righetti) Mere Mon by the Hoynood football temi ignnst Condiii on Saturday bj »i\ pointi

ROSEDAJT-\ special committee meet nig of the Rosedale Meclnnics Institute yns h"ld on Hain hy cíenme, to open ten ders foi the eicctim of a chss room md additions to the hill Hie lou est tendel Mas much high« thin niemboi» intici ] ited so it ins deci led to meet again the follón ing Meei toiecon«ilci the nutter

RUIIHTtGLLS-On Thors hy cicning the members of the locil lempen-ice ?«oc clj ind Rech ilute Or 1er held i rallj

-5pceelies yicie lelneielbi Ali Tollu Vile (lecturer ioi the 1 O R ) m 1 Ale i AA ii son Perkins SimtH in 1 I n«ign Al Li ugh lui (bilyalaon \nm) -The Rntheiglen -*lnre Council has been cm ed considonble innonnee and Morl through people idling tree md cutting timbei on the îoids gene nll\ leiving i dingeious stump The police recen til delected a min named John lohnstone cutting i tice donn on one of the roid« md brought lum before Air Bencn PM on lndnj vtho alter hen mt, tho c\ idence of the police md shira in pcctoi imposed i fine of £4

SHPPP VRrON -In Hie "Insolvency

Court on Tuesdi) Tudge Afole north gr nted i eeitiheitc of disclnrge to Thomas ORcilH of Dunlulbilane fnimcr on the npphcition of Air C W Atom« ey Rielnrd A\ illnm Pennefither of Stnthmerton m sohent mis cximinel at length bj Air Johnson for the ti uslec Air Moms ey ap peucd foi insolyent m ho ins ordeicd to file eel tun lecounU Hie Court then ad journed

*U ARiSALD-The Jioiougli council in

|re«*oiise to i cireuhi fiom the Municipal

\««ocintion his lesolyed to oppo=e mj nlteialton of the iel Milli îegiid to the pay ment of rate» ind il o to oppose idult sutfrige foi mumcipil elections

r\L130r-Mc sis P MLcod H Diyic« in 1 T li Je sup lime been ic elected picsi deni" ncepicsidcnt md trcisurcr re pee inch ot tia lilbot Diatnct Prospecting ind Pio"icssne \s«omtion - Hie Tilbot liles Beneiolent Soceti dunng the yeal lendeied lelict to ">.> idults and Ij cluldicn tie imount tim disbursed bein" £01/8/*"

Hie soeietj commenced the yeal with i ciedit bihnce of 100/18/8 md ended it nth £17/8/1 in hind Air» Steuart m is re elected prc»ident Air« Dondmg sccretny

ind Aln Henderson treisurci

TR\R\LGOV-\t the minni meeting of the \grieultuial Society onAIoiidij Ali

P P Serjeant mis ic elected president md Alcssr« 1 S A\ hitUI eis md li Dunhill y ice presidents lhc bihnce sheet shoned the years income to haye been £000/10 9 and aftei meeting ill expenses and the prize list in connection "with the lf-st shoyy,

thole lemiined i ti edit bmk bihncc of ¿102/7/11 Y vote of coudoient c w is pissed to the xxidow of the Into Air A\

Ldncv, Morxxell biuike It was decided to unite Alt (. H ltctd AIHlt to xisit Ti n llgon and dehxci in iddre-s The ne\-t show h is fi\ed foi linn dax, "Soxein

bet 17

PY'1UR\ -\l S itutdav's meeting of the Titmi Agricultunl "-octet) s conmnttec the non Hiles nul b) lux s of the Clnmboi ot Ygiiciiltuie wen di di-scd Iheic w 1- 1 xtix pioiiountetl feeling that the icj-itul

tiiliil hocielj should loiimn i linn politic ii bodr J he mulei ot forming a In nidi of the linnet s Pohticil Union xx i- left to 1 public meeting disliwt fiom the -O(iet) -Jue gold mcdill line been t.ixon \n the Deiintment of \gticulune tow ml- ino sei

tions 111 the poulti) eh-scs at the lattin


1 YK\ YGULLY-Ad Times A Urs in old colonist died 011 Alondii igcd (0 - Y picsciit ition vx is undi on Alondiv bx the Atix Ilex I ithci O Hut on bchilf of the totigitgitton of the liomin C itliohc Church to Ali« Dunn xxifc of Con-tiblc Dunn who hi- been trinsfeiicd to AYendouite Hie )iic-tut xx is m 111-ciibeil ilvel e li o dl-h md wis given 111 lccogmtion of Ali- Dunns seixites to the church ind the district

A\ ODONC Y -rho reimms of Mi- Hil don who died m Alelboiiine on Sundix

were brought to AVotlongi on Afonihx night bx trim foi intennent 111 the loo ii cometen The funeril tool pi tee on J lit-dix mtlxxis kugelt lttcndrd A\ Uli bei fir-t husbind (the lite vlr (t T Allen) the doceiscd hid loiiditctcd the fei minus Hotel Wollong 1

for minx veils md Mi md Alis Ihldon sub-eqiicntlx earned on the smic business, is well 1- tht Jcnnmiis Hotel "-txmoiii

Hie decei-cd hdx who wis lui xeir- of ige 1- smxived bx siv sons mil -t\ dittgh


*A YRUYGUL-Hie Count) Couit md Goneial Sessions winch weie to luxe been lield in \\ iingul cn luesdix hp=ed is Hit ti-e- listed were ill settled pi 101 to the sitting of the Couit-Si\ libourei» nho hid been vxoil ing at dealing on out of the locil selections emit in to A\ wilgul on Sundix night lnxmg qunirelied with their emploxei md on Mondox 11101 nmg com menced to 1 nock dow n ' then cheques Thex vxeie ill irrested befoic noon b\ Con stables '-tecdiuan and Thompson, ind loci ed


WrDDFViBURV -1 he boird of advice 1 is supported m ipphcition ftom pnents of five funities it Wehh for conxexince of then children to the lenton'-, Creek school nnd Ins ilso supported the inspector s re commendation to close the Bon mil West school the attendince being onlx 11 - A meeting of miner» opposed to iliemtion of land some foin or five miles out of the town ship was held on Sattirdax night This land was recontlj recommended by the land boaid to various applicants

AVINCHKLSE Y-The Municipal 4sso eialion foiwaided to the council particulais of a numbei of piopo.-cd ne« bill- md the council decided to oppose the Muntcipal Ydult Suffrage Bill, and the bill to allon the entolment of latopajeis whoso liles nie not pud bx June 10 The) *uppoited the Statistics Bill tiinsfemng the collée tion of stitistics to the police

AVim-TLLSI" Y - AIi-s I* Thomson, daughtei of the postnnstei it Ivmglal e Idled on Siturdix, iftcr a, lingering illne-s The decoiscd lad) was xerj populai in the
