Recorder (Port Pirie, SA : 1919 - 1954), Monday 3 March 1924, page 1



In the West Darling.


ADELAIDE-. idiurday.

riir Sidney .Kidman, accompanied by

Mr. Sam Helpman and Mr G, H. Byan,

returned .to Adelaide this morniiis from an inspection of the West Darling district. Sir Sidney's objective is i'"' accumulate a flock of 5 00,000 sheep on Morden, Nundoora, Wonaminta, Cob ham, Corona,, Langawirra, and Sturts Meadows stations.

Mr. Heipman said: All the West Furling country is >n great heart.-.-We motored more than 500 miles over 0000 square miles on the stations uyine'i. There is an ol sallbush herbage. interspersed with mnig-a. 'The sarili rldg-es have never been in better condition than at present., There are sc.all flocks of siieep

.. and a number c»f cattle on uobham and Nundoora. Sir Sidney has spent thousands of pounds, in^impr'ove : nients, and water supplies are now as

sured by many dams and wells. A few rabbits were seen, and the dingo menace has been overcome at grfeat expense. £5 ha? been paid for dingo

.S^MipS. ana coggers mane gooo. money.

They have cleared 'he country !!ins)iy by trapping and poisoning. Ninety dingoes wert* killed on on? property on Paroo last year. 'The sheep and cattle from the station? namijU come to the Adelaide market. Few people have any conception . e^arding- the cost of upkeep and improvements on outback prportiss. ?t is tremendous. Huge sums bavs to

expended before any return is received. Then there is always danger of droughts and a slump in the prices '.>? livestock. Re-stocking- at the current prices for «heep is an expensive

