Mercury (Hobart, Tas. : 1860 - 1954), Saturday 10 December 1910, page 5


Uderninr, Allen Taylor was elected Lord Mayor of Sydney yesteiday for tho third

term in succession. ,.,-,, - »

Tne retiring members o.' the Boam of Management of the Hobart General Hos. nit il aie Messrs. T. Bennison. G. Ker«, WAI. Williams, and A. D. Watchorn.

The Senate of I ho Queensland Univer-sity yc-.k-1'day mud«, tho following ap-pointment« (cables our correspondent)»: -Chair of chemistry. Dr. Bertram Duncan <tcele acting Professor ol Chemistry of tho University of Melbourne; of chssicä. Mr- Jo1'» L Michie, Cumbndgc; chair of engineering, Mr. Alexander A qibson, assistant domonctrator of Russell .School of Engineering, University Syd

¡¡c-y chair of mathematics, Mr. H. C. ,1'riésfly, Cambridge. .....

King Alphoiiso of Spain will early next month pay a vh-it to Melillo, the Spnnlsh settlement on the norfh coastot Morocco (states a cable message from Madrid).

The Kov. J. A. Lei, of Beaconsfield Presbyterian Chu rob, has accepted a call to Boulder City, AVest Australia, and leaves the Stale shortly.

A cable message from London states that Captain Leslie Orme Wilson, of the Royal Marines, who married a daughter of Captain Smith, of Sydney, was the Unionist candidate for Reading.

The Rev. R. J- Liddell, of Ashburton, XZ formerly of Hobart,, is nt present »njoving a holidayMn this city. The reverend gentleman is accompanied by his wife and two childion. .

Sifter Charlotte, who has been In charge of St Jplin's Mission-House, Launceston, since' its inception l8 years ago. has in-timated her iult-uUon» of resigning. She lias been granted six month» leave of ab-sence prior to relinquishing the work in ithleli she lins taken a very deep interest. ? meeting lins been called in the Northern city to devise some means of recognising

bet- services.

Captain James Bremner, believed to be in« oldest muster mariner in the Common, lieatlli. died on Sunday at tho age of 92' S at his residence, Meath, 10O Fnlconstre-t North Sydney. His seafaring r.rec-v commenced 80 yenis ago, mid tin ; the occasion of the annual outing- of the

Icatic of Ancient Alarméis in February lut'Captain Bremner formed the central inure J,- a group ol' 10 old sea s.ills, whoso nimMncd ages- amounted lo 7W ycarB. H» was bom in tim year 181S ni the bmall ' ".«fin towi. of Kciss, ni Sinclair Bay.

' rïïtv of Caithness. Scotland, and not j Sir mile, distant from AVick. Hi. first

?ml to Fen as a lad 12 yenrs of age m the «chooner Robert and James, commanded ' hv CM.ant Crew, mid wa« engaged in'the

Irish roastul trade, AVick being the startin» point, lu ¡he curly 60 B ho went on «visit to Aberdeen, and there built the Clara Si vers-. He was one of the pioneers in th» South Sea trade, and secured ronny ; .«eís io trade to New Britain. Olio of I the vfwt-k. thus employed was the three' Cheers, built for the- purpose in San Fran'cisco Captain Bremner was also the ¡pioneer of the Sydney Ferries Limited, ¡L ho formed the original North Shore 1 Comnaiiv. mid arranged fen- the building I of the "fiif.!, double-ended ¡.tourner emi ploved on Sydney Harbour.