Sunday Mail (Brisbane, Qld. : 1926 - 1954), Sunday 25 October 1953, page 3

4 o'clock twitters at Alec's place

From Joucc Stirlina

SURFERS' PARADISE (by telegram) — Among the South Coast bird community it is known as 'Alec's Place.'

There at 4.30 every afternoon wild lorikeets

are fed on plates of bread and honey by South Coast bird man Alec Griffiths, of Cmmmbin. Sharp at 4.30, just as if the noisy, screeching- visitors carried watches in their pockets, they arrived at the meeting place — two big mulberry trees in Mr. Griffiths' garde c. As the huge family gathers, the trees become laced ' with the glory of their plumage, and everywhere you look, on every bush and vine in the garden you will see a dozen angry-eyed parrots. ? A few minutes later Alec the host arrives with plates of bread and honey. If yon are game, like hundreds of children among the tourists who have discovered this place, you will be allowed U- hold one of the plates while dozens of lorikeets sit around the edges taking- afternoon tea, or else stand on your head or sit on your shoulder squabbling- and gobbling. ?i uni t inn um 1 1 mt nuiii ni i ni ti 1 1 im in 1 1 mi 1 1 1 mif 1 1 mi ii in t

Alec began feeding wild birds five years ago. Word got around in the bird community, until today be estimates that some of his guests come from 20 miles away. Yesterday in the middle of the party, there was a sudden shrill whistle and the feeding flock took wing. Alec explained that the whistle came from a 'soldier bird,' selfappointed scoot of the community, who had spotted a hawk and given warning. Sure enough, presently the sinister hawk shape floated high above the deserted garden. Once it was out of sight, back came the bright hordes, scooping up bread and honey, pecking at the flowers on tourists' hats, chattering' like women at a tea party.