Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 - 1957), Tuesday 7 November 1905, page 6





The new turbine steamer Maheno, built specially to the order of the Union Steam-ship Company by Messrs. Denny Bros., of Dumbarton, is expected to arrive in Hobson's Bay to-day or to-morrow morning having left Durham in continuation of her maiden voyage from Glasgow 16 days ago. The Maheno is the largest vessel owned by the Union Company, and the second of the turbine type to enter Australian waters, having been preceded by the Loongana a little more than a year ago. When the com-pany with its usual enterprise, ordered the Loongana to be built the question of the superiority of the turbine system over the ordinary reciprocating engines in a compre-hensive sense was still being discussed by experts, although a number of vessels, notably the Channel ferry-boats Queen and Brighton, had given undoubted proof of the greater advantages of the new system, at least as regards the important aspects of speed and steadiness. Meanwhile, however, an almost unanimous expression of opinion in favour of turbines has been given by marine engineers and other nautical experts, with the result that they have been and are being freely adopted by some of the new leviathan steamers, built for the trade across The North Atlantic between Europe and America, notably the two great "Cunar-ders," each of which is to be 800ft. in length. it is noteworthy that the Maheno is the thirty-eighth steameri built foi the Union Company, the icombined tonnage of the fleet now reaching 71000 tons. One of its representatives - theRotomahams calls for special mention, as, although the 'greyhound,'

as she is called, was builti 26 years ago, there are few vessels running m Australian waters

which even now can 'show |

their heels.'I the rohomahana is still competing against vessels twice her ithe New Zealand coastal service, but is such a favourite that passengers frequently wait a day in order to travel by her.

After more than a year's experience of the Loongana, the company has had ample opportunity of deciding the important queslion of economy in fuel as between that lessel amnd others of the fleet which are propelled

by reciprocating engines. In discussing this subject, .Mr. David .Mill«, the Melbourne manager, states that the results

shown by the- l.oongana are in every sense satisfactory. It is estimated that to get the same »peed .is that attained by the turbine vessel from another of tsimilar size fitted tnlh ordinary engines a «lightly greater tquantity of fuel than that consumed bv the Loongana would be used.therefore this, together nilli the comparative absence of tibifttioii, guater »tc.idiuci,«. and other minor, tluinu-tl for the tin hine system, lia» mole than justified the company m piniiccnng the ifay a« far ns the South-ern !Ii'Uii«plteic i« umuTiied in tin- nott' method of propulsion. With the exception Hut she i» iniiMilornhlv larger than the Manuka and Moeraki. the non- turbine liner is iibnost an o\.ict tbipheate of tbo«e ves-ets, nhioli, a« neally a» po»«iblc. represent per-

fection in the direction of comfort. The Maheno, aocoiding to " Lloyd's Kegisler," is of ¡..(tod tons gro-. or .ai*! ton» greller tbnn the Manuka, and fiOS (on- greater than i the Moeraki. .V « oinparisnn ns regards mci

j »tin milli» »lion, al»o that tile netf vessel

is .Hit. longei .mil 'Jil. 10m. bronder than iilhor of Iii.- ollie!«. Hu« r«-»pc« live ilinien ,i(in» Is ing us lo!lo!i»:-M.ihono, lengtli Ililli!., bro.itllh ..Hit.: Miinuk.i ami Mocrnki, li neill atl-lt.. ami bientllh 47ft. 2m. The

| Maheno na» built of «liol, to the rules and , nullor »noeud »uri IT of the lllitinh Coi pora-1

lion. Tim milli.- main .luI; is devoted to j the .loeiiimnotl.ition of pn-senger«, ot .thom

'.'lu in Hie lint ¡mil 12t) m the »croud élans

tan IK- i.irnul, piovmou Is-ing hkoiin-e for (VI third «la«« vnv.ig.-rs tihikt thei io«»el .« cinploto.l in lim Van« outer trade.

'Hu- first «la.« |ia«»«-ngi-r» .no homo«! m thei miikhip poilion of the io»»«-l. mostly m iliri-e hirth ilium», i-lalinratolt- Httod out for! t.ilitt lilitii t- .mil loliifoil At the foie-enil

Of Hu- inid«liui« ti." 1.hull».- the «lining »¡ilonn

i« silu.ilul. lit«- .ipirlniout being fi.lined in ' i rl,i««to «le«igu ol' fuiiitil oak. the grounil

being tro.ttu! m r«oiled «,ak, stninod green.; Tien long table», miming lengtluii.o, pro- j ink- »eating m for llu» ma j'oritv of p.i»»«-ngii-. but tin re aie abo a number ni -mull table, on either »nie ot tin- -.ilmiii for «silier patron«. A Lugo dome, .iigillior « it h loet.iiipul.u- bra«« framed

nimbin», aiton! amulo li,ht lo the apiti-I mint by «hu. "hil»! pl.-niv oi uni illation is ¡i«»ureil lu- means tu large 'lui lan« on the (oiling. The uphol -loring is .lone ni groeu .uni gold nioiltietle. a bointitiil "\V .linn" en [iel, ni a rall ml »hade.teiing lim tloor. An t.i.-.ui at the foie omi. .mil luge -id. linar,!« ut the i.llit-l ettl-, .llllf of tile .ip-iv'.f.ll-nl. alf

f um I in hnrmiiiit with the gi ml ii des gn Hu -".ul li ill m nus,, !-,":" »»lui, s:.m!« on iho <l.,l. ilmio i. ,1, - ,|" 1 i. , m-t ittnd»i ipi timn tin» will« bing ib-ignisl m white numil willi gold sill» 1 nul- md tin tilling n lune i«tlo ni«, in killing. t h it-ung killin« in llu« n In it m i iniiiibi r ol ' nisi ». rnn« ' llliUliiillsl» ilpili N'en I mel lltl-tlllll -iiiinoel flinn llu lost of tin» ipittinent, whl»t i «.oiuloH ible u uiril otto nan ei

dib« tin donn «mi i pping lhe ihiin e til. m liil-iu k Huh-un grind pun,, iiilil'l mihi, un m iii In « the teni undi t . I llu flinn u . l/iiii-m th.« ».id tul] I ml tin s no1 nig loom ill tint ib, i umbi ,1,-1. li IS pim I .m lhe shad, .lui, mi u it-1 ol the nub m li iii li, ali 1 is li um il m lluitniso pulí.ul ni si npli elis.n dis.gii

Is Hi.' III! pti I lo illsplll llu« tub ligtui ol lhe ti« o I k li «li «h mi lined in anigbpt i

mth i t i r . ' i li !.- 111 I ghi« in st un. 1 .h«, il.!« ,. ib, be um of «lu apit-moii!

tin mini ».-I I ul « ol ninth .in liaim.l n i» »linn, mth s.tiiiH.ol pituls largo oiil unois Innig i ihli , und spin,!..-!», li II.- II »ii. I i o lh. .It sign

Mtb.mgh i.uih lo,« u.stb md claim l.t. «he n iiimoditinii pintnlul for -. muí iii- pi« i i.u» i« m i g, mini t-rino

ii ii« «t m i pu wnb tin» lust is irgird« u unit ml . nummo I hi ».I is bl lliiiuigh titlii' Il un u dil) lu ile pilli« lii'ltlg' n» ilh I ni m li I to |il. u tit »i lui ii, n t!.n u ToUion ol Iln« »in» « M .ipili fm th. . UT ige of fiiirui I« < !».. tin n ii gt i UHU: I« nig don. on tin a mu in i -» -ti II ( m ful i i p u ii nu« ban lull mh lol ih ihn.- ni b III .nubil ii of .m P1..U.I..I foi lbs pin

JIM uimp I>I th, it-ii ii KI Kit II i I gillams, ,1 I pp m llu-i »h h « liipt in glis» lioiiiisl i I« I,, s u » u , u» » nions tbioiighout tin 1 -I. | i mil ,s tin t li» m snip!,n

I il h Slstllll uni >!. i lilli of . tungin»)!

i.i» »ti nu a« lillipilli In ilio I mini s ii« (uki mm ni sUin|, || ¡¡i, u "ti, n li II lu« iho bun gm ii lo tin I li »nung is|iiumuul »»hill is si I li ho mon linn i m li to nut t mi i nu eg. n ) I he i iibnan h put min is au mgtil to »it »fi l islet, of iii most I isinliniis isitiinis inn to the ex

? til t f. ii«iii mg llu lilli rug of w id r before ,1 »lisul bl ..«ol iii pilli».*..

Hu i» . pnpp I nilli lluee )>ii

-in» tmb in« tnpii ti og linn shall» and ililli )iii|« Hu» nub In hu bull, is (lu bil li >1 li p nilli ill tin ii»«, »ho ? i« li »? i !|i< i ni 17 *. I no1« an bom wh I- ii i sumí I ittimpt with «t

lu I n iho b.iln« shut don i »ho do» i »i-..I < I It I luol« bmnli lot «it . m-.,,nu, bulli- win 1. is u.u.i lu dil» in i \ I >« i I III ii gmt int.. I

lu mil non mg io it «li the eiirio»itk lill I» (h -i pi» »i ni al lit I nun li of the M iliui i ns lo In i I gin ii lui li um Ml

lulu, Iii bill« l. gi, I . I lint lu ? mil liol g k. llu mi in ng ni ih. w. li It « is mil in iii, kimi du lion in ml all lu* umbi »i, n is that it » i* llu lunn nf i Mu*mi m I al- i ol ii iilu n »t ,1 on in lim Noilh I»! md ul N.n A ilmd

Dining iln -u tit m. t ».«.ison llu« Maheno will In i ii|.l.m.l in tin iimipiu» » li nlo lu iit.iiiS),|i,,i ml M. Ib.m m III Non A t lind poll» nul llnbiit bul lu llu* wutul month« »In w II !.. tnnsf.tiul lo the Van t <m»i i inn li ii ng sidmi im tint poll nu Mm» h III. .lum II .uni s, punthi i I no vi ion Mm I»gin* hu u.t*li! inn nil Silmdai, tin IKlh m» nlun »lu h ins Sk.lntk lui N.ik A ii III.I piouul ug lh« in lo Hobin anl Mi Ilium m, »upph ineiiiing tim \k nlun, »»huh i* to lu nitlulimn Iliui» tin» lim uni uuploud pii.bibl} on

llu Nin /.alan I mast

I ion uiiki.l Inn tin- Mihi no will b. rib it tin I'm Milboiiinoltilik n I'm u. I ml i ln»o mimili i of pi«.uigu» ami will ulm.

w nd« h m« im Sulnot